For the third consecutive year, Ronald and Jackie Detwiler, along with son-in-law Chris Waller, have set up the synchronized light and music show at their 1441 Sycamore St. home. With nearly 25,000 lights — 10,000 more than last year — and over 100 cars a night, Christmas on Sycamore has become a notable Turlock holiday event.
The light show now features Santa Claus every night it doesn’t rain. They also hand out candy canes, and last year handed out more than 5,000 sweets to those who stopped by. They aim to double that amount this year.
Another number they’d like to double is the amount of boxes they donate to the Marines’ Toys for Tots drive. Last year they collected two large, full boxes of toys for the less fortunate children of the world. This year, they want to fill three — but surely Turlockers can assist in filling a fourth.
“Last year’s donations were better than expected,” said Detwiler. “There truly are loving, caring people left in today's society. Much has happened in our world, many changes and occurrences. We hope the spirit we spread last year still lives inside those we've already met. And we hope to reach more people and spread the Christmas Spirit on to them as well.”
This year promises some exciting new additions like two new singing Christmas trees to replace last year’s singing snowman. Both trees were handmade by Ronald Detwiler and his son-in-law.
“My granddaughter loves the new movie Frozen,” said Detwiler. “She sings along to ‘Let It Go’ and ‘Do You Want to Build a Snowman?’ Because of this I added these two songs to the light show. The results have been ecstatic. Cars viewing the show roll down their windows and you can hear the kids singing along. We love hearing this. Because after all, this is intended for the children.”
The show took two full months to set up, and is definitely worth a visit. Located at the corner of Sycamore Street and Colorado Avenue in Turlock, the show will be running from 6 to 9 p.m. until Dec. 31. The radio station that broadcasts the music in on station 88.5 FM.
For more information, visit their Facebook page at