With a water rate hike expected to be approved on Tuesday, some residents are hurrying to turn in their protest ballots. Those who did not receive a ballot or lost it can find one online at the City of Turlock’s website.
Account holders received protest ballots for the water rate increase, but many renters were not sent these ballots in the mail as they are not the direct account holder. Renters can request a ballot at the City of Turlock or go online to the City of Turlock’s website and visit the Municipal Services Rate Increase page.
There, a PDF link (Click Here For Link) describes the proposed increase to water rates, under Proposition 218 and provides a protest ballot.
The ballot explains that an owner or tenant of property that receives city water service may protest the proposed increased service charges by submitting a written protest by mail or in person to the City of Turlock, City Clerk, 156 S. Broadway, Ste. 230, Turlock, CA 95380. This means that all written protests must be received (not postmarked) by the city before or up to the conclusion of the public hearing. The ballot also notes that any protest submitted by email or other electronic means will not be accepted.
Also, according to the ballot, “Each protest must (1) be in writing;
(2) state opposition to the proposed water rate increase; (3) provide the
location of the identified parcel (by assessor's parcel number or street address);
and (4) include the original signature of the customer submitting the protest.”
Only one written protest per customer will be counted towards the protest.
Rates would increase 12 percent for the average single-family household on July 1. and go up a further 15 percent on Jan. 1, 2015. Additional increases would come every Jan. 1 thereafter through 2019, of 7 percent, 15 percent, 11 percent, and 11 percent, respectively