On Saturday, September 10th, 2022, at 9:23 am, the Turlock Police Department was dispatched to a reported residential burglary in progress at a residence in the 500 block of Crane Ave, Turlock, after a man had been spotted entering an unoccupied residence that the caller believed he was not allowed into.
Officers were able to get ahold of the property owner who told them that no one was allowed inside of the residence and gave officers consent to search it.
When officers arrived on scene and knocked on the door, a man and a woman answered and identified themselves as Toni Parsons, 33, of Turlock, and Andrew Rom, 32, of Turlock. When asked what they were doing inside of the residence, they stated that they were there to take a shower.
Parsons was found to be in possession of narcotics, while Rom was found to be on post release community supervision.
Both were arrested and booked into the Stanislaus County Public Safety Center, Parsons on charges of burglary, conspiracy, and possession of a controlled substance, and Rom on charges of burglary, conspiracy, and violation of post release community supervision.