Turlock City News

Turlock City News

TUSD Board of Trustees To Welcome New Trustees on Tuesday


The Turlock Unified School District Board of Trustees will welcome newly elected Trustees Deborah Martin and Jennifer Carter during a public meeting at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow.

The meeting will kick off with an inspirational message and flag salute from Cunningham Elementary School students Mary Claire and Karla Zuniga, who are this months Character Counts Award Recipients for Caring.

In the consent calendar the district will accept numerous donations, including nearly $3,500 from the Lions Club for the purchase of new bleachers for the junior varsity baseball field, as well as $9,900 from Active Industrial Contracting, Inc. to Turlock High School for 180 hours of donated labor to complete the reflooring in the Ag Welding Department.

Later, the board will vote to certify the first interim financial report, in which the trustees will receive information about the current financial outlook for the district.

TUSD Business Services will later provide a informational presentation to the board regarding the district’s technology audit and progress on the Smarter Balance Assessment, the online/computerized assessment component of Common Core Standards.

Lastly the board will vote to approve a proposal from FF&J Architects for the district’s Transportation Repair Facility to include project alternates of an office and restroom ($95,247), storage mezzanine ($36,400), in-ground lift with pit ($140,111) and three sets of portable bus lifts ($55,000). This project will provide a facility for the maintenance and repair of vehicles at the district's Transportation Facility on F Street.

The TUSD Board of Trustees will meet at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Turlock Unified School District Professional Development Center, 1100 Cahill Ave.

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