Now that summer is here and school is getting out, many parents are looking for activities that their children can participate in. The City of Turlock Parks, Recreation & Public Facilities Department is offering summer camps.
These day-camps are being held at the Turlock and Pitman High School campuses from June 6th through July 29th, excluding July 4th. According to the Parks, Recreation, and Public Facilities Department, these day camps offer enrichment activities, educational games, arts, crafts, including indoor and outdoor activities. Swimming lessons will also be available starting June 13th.
Enrollment began on May 2nd, but, there is still time to register before June 6th. In order to register a parent must fill out a “School Break Registration Form” which can be found at the recreation division website.
Half day schedules are from 6:30a.m. until 12:30p.m. or 12:30p.m. until 6:00p.m. Full days are from 6:30a.m. until 6:00p.m. During swimming lessons camp staff will escort children to and from the pool. Also, the camp staff asks that parents send morning and afternoon snacks for their children. Parents are encouraged to call the Recreation Office at 668-5594 if they have additional questions.
Half day fees are $50 in the AM from 6:30 AM to 12:30 and $50 from 12:30 PM to 6 PM per week, but this fee is lowered to $40 dollar from July 5 to July 8. Full day fees run from 6:30 AM to 6 PM and fees stand at $93 per week. The fee changes from July 5 to July 8 to $80. 5 day punch cards are available at the cost of $100
Forms, along with a $12.00 annual enrollment fee, can be turned in Monday through Friday from 8:00a.m. until 5:00p.m. at the Recreation Office located at 144 South Broadway Avenue. Once the registration is completed any future weekly payments may be made online.