It was standing-room only at the new Public Safety Facility Monday morning as a new Turlock police officer was sworn in, the first officer to be sworn in at the new building.
“We’re going to need a bigger building,” joked Turlock Police Chief Robert Jackson, after the department moved into the new Public Safety Facility less than a year ago.
Officer Jose Iniguez was sworn in as the newest member of the Turlock Police Department in a room full of family, friends, and current and former members of the department.
“This is an exciting time for us,” Jackson said.
Jackson spoke very highly of Iniguez, who has more than 12 years of experience in the medical field.
“He’s going to be a good cop,” Jackson said.
Iniguez will the fill the first of six open positions for Turlock police officers, after five officers left the Turlock Police Department for other agencies in just over a year.
The City of Turlock will look to fill the five positions available with a mix of both experienced officers and some new blood.
On April 8, the Turlock City Council allowed the Turlock Police Department to hire trainees that will be put through the police academy.
Jackson said three or four trainees will be hired to fill vacancies, and final interviews with those trainee applicant finalists are taking place Monday and Tuesday.
While the application deadline for trainees has come and gone, those who have gone through the police academy can apply for the Turlock Police Department here.