Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Turlock Mobile Home Park Makes Effort to Conserve Water

Brandon McMillan|

In the midst of California’s driest January on record, one Turlock neighborhood is making a concerted effort to conserve water.

While it is no massive project, management at the Daisy Belle Mobile Home Park, near West Hawkeye Avenue and Dels Lane in Turlock, removed several water guzzling flowerbeds and replaced them with rocks.

Carolyn Smith, the daughter of owners Bob and Sally Cooper, says the project isn’t very large but it is an effort to conserve water.

“We just want to show residents here that it is important to cut back on water usage,” she said.

Daisy Belle resident Mark Wendell praised the water conservation efforts.

“I feel this is a great thing for them to react to our water conservation without being asked to do so. We live in the best mobile home park in Turlock,” he said. “The residents here are mostly limited income and they keep the price down so all can afford to live in a wonderful park. They deserve credit for their water conservation efforts and being the best park to live in period.”

Daisy Belle opened in 1969 and holds 77 mobile homes.

On Jan. 17 California Gov. Jerry Brown proclaimed a statewide drought emergency and urged residents to voluntarily reduce water consumption by 20 percent.

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