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Turlock City News

Turlock High Math Club Succeeds at Math Super Bowl

Courtesy of Turlock High School|

Math Super Bowl Question: The electrical resistance of a wire varies directly as its length and inversely as the square of its diameter. If a wire is replaced with another wire whose length is 60 percent greater and whose diameter is 20 percent smaller, then the resistance of the second wire is how many times the resistance of the first wire?

If you can’t answer this question, it's okay – you’re probably not alone.

The good news is that the students from the Turlock High School Math Club probably can, and are likely smarter than most of us reading this.

And the bad news… well there really isn’t any. The future is bright for these mathematically minded students.

Nearly two dozen Turlock High School Math Club students participated in the Dick Schaff Mathematics Superbowl XLI held Saturday at the Modesto Junior College West Campus.

THS students took home nine top-five finishes in six mathematical categories.

According to Math Club Advisor Scott Johnson, this was the strongest showing ever for THS.

"I have attended the Math Super Bowl for many years and I can't remember a year in which Turlock High has brought home so many awards,” Johnson said. “Some of these students have been preparing since the beginning of the school year. It is nice to see their efforts pay off.”

THS Math Club Winners

Pairs Competition
Calculus (Second Place) Nick Chartrand, Heath Rojas
(Honorable Mention) Lila Lee
Math Analysis (Third Place) Yajaira Ramirez, Colby McCann
Algebra II (Fourth Places) Noelle Hazelton, Anoop Bains

Individual Competition
Calculus (Second Place) Henna Hundal
(Honorable Mention) Nick Chartrand
(Honorable Mention) Heath Rojas
Algebra II (Honorable Mention) Anoop Bains

Team Competition
(Honorable Mention) Mirella Lopez, Tonya Pruitt, Colby McCann, Tyler Brittain

Coaches include teachers Kathlyn Donaldson, Scott Johnson, and Marjorie Bettencourt. 

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