On Tuesday, the Turlock City Council will be holding a special meeting directly before the regularly scheduled City Council meeting beginning at 6pm. The special meeting will focus on reviewing and accepting the General Fund budgets and the final portion of the Non-General Fund budgets, including the various equipment and computer replacement funds and the self-insurance funds.
Presentation of the budget in whole and adoption of the budget for fiscal year 2012-2013 will be presented at the City Council meeting beginning at 7pm.
The City Council will also be voting on the reduction of commission members for the Turlock City Arts Commission, from the previous 25 members total to seven members total, with two alternate member positions. Council and staff will solicit new volunteers to the Turlock City Arts Commission in an effort to revitalize the Commission and start heading into a more positive direction.
The Council will also discuss approving an amendment to the non-exclusive building lease agreement between the City of Turlock and the Turlock Gospel Mission, a non-profit organization, for the City owned Youth Center building located at 1030 East Avenue.
In November 2011, City Council approved a two-year lease agreement with Turlock Gospel Mission for the purposes of establishing a daytime resource and assistance center at the Youth Center. Turlock Gospel Mission opened the Homeless Assistance Ministry Center in March 2012 and has been in operation servicing homeless guests from 8am to 5pm seven days a week.
The amendment, if approved by the Council, would cover a change in hours of operation from 6am to 6pm, as well as moving Turlock Gospel Mission’s transportation to their dinner services from the current location at First Baptist Church to the Homeless Assistance Ministry Center.
The Council will also discuss and adopt the final budget for the fiscal year 2012-2013.
While City Manager Roy Wasden states in his letter to Mayor John Lazar and the Council that “the city continues to weather through a protracted economic downturn,” he also claims that there appears to be areas where the City has seen recovery.
The adopted budget recommends over $4,400,000 in deficit spending. The City Council’s 2011-2013 Strategic Plan Policy Goals provide clear and thoughtful direction to achieve community expectations, with the following policy priorities reflected in the recommended budget: Fiscal Responsibility, Public Safety, Municipal Infrastructure, Economic Development, Intelligent, Planned and Managed Growth, Social Infrastructure, and Community Programs & Facilities and Infrastructure.
With the exception of the elimination of the Redevelopment Agency earlier this year, the proposed fiscal year 2012-2013 budgets contain few significant changes. The elimination of the Redevelopment Agency created a funding gap of more than $750,000 in current costs with a minimum of $250,000 in offsetting revenue. The increased cost of about $500,000 is proposed to be absorbed in other funding sources including the General Fund.
All General Fund revenue sources are projected to yield $30,039,641 during Fiscal Year 2012-2013. In Fiscal Year 2011-2012, showing an estimated 6.9% increase in revenue from Fiscal Year 2011-2012.
Total expenses of the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 General Budget are projected to be $33,708,221, with $1,000 in the General Reserve for Economic Cycle Fluctuations and $875,000 in the General Fund Reserve for Capital Purchases.
The City Council meeting will be held at City Hall, located at 156 S. Broadway, starting at 7pm, directly after the Special Meeting starting at 6pm.
To view the Council Regular Meeting Agenda Packet, visit the City of Turlock website here:
Text Version:
Turlock City Council Regular Scheduled
Meeting Agenda
May 22, 2012
7:00 p.m.
City of Turlock Yosemite Room
156 S. Broadway, Turlock, California
5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Public Works Week Reception
A. Proclamation: Public Works Week, May 20-26, 2012
B. Proclamation: Turlock Pentecost Association 100th Anniversary Festa Do Espirito Santo
SPEAKER CARDS: To accommodate those wishing to address the Council and allow for staff follow-up, speaker cards are available for any agendized topic or any other topic delivered under Public Comment. Please fill out and provide the Comment Card to the City Clerk or Police Officer.
• Andrew LaFlamme, Director of Legislative Affairs
1. Improvements to the City’s Pretreatment Program (Frisch)
2. Turlock Fire Services 2011 Annual Report (Lohman)
This is the time set aside for members of the public to directly address the City Council on any item of interest to the public, before or during the City Council’s consideration of the item, that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. You will be allowed three (3) minutes for your comments. If you wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda, you may be asked to defer your remarks until the Council addresses the matter.
No action or discussion may be undertaken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except that Council may refer the matter to staff or request it be placed on a future agenda.
Information concerning the consent items listed hereinbelow has been forwarded to each Councilmember prior to this meeting for study. Unless the Mayor, a Councilmember or member of the audience has questions concerning the Consent Calendar, the items are approved at one time by the Council. The action taken by the Council in approving the consent items is set forth in the explanation of the individual items.
A. Resolution: Accepting demands of 4/26/12 in the amount of $20,751,005.02
B. Motion: Accepting Minutes of Special Meeting of May 8, 2012; Minutes of Regular
Meeting of May 8, 2012
C. 1. Resolution: Appropriating $146,044 to account number 420-52-551.51270 “Water
Reservoir & Pump Station – Fulkerth (Water Bond Project),” from Fund 420 “Water”
reserve balance for specialized engineering services to design and provide construction
management for City Project No. 11-42, “Water Reservoir & Pump Station on Fulkerth
2. Motion: Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with Carollo Engineers
increasing the total compensation under City Contract No. 11-955 by $146,044 for the
design of a municipal well in conjunction with City Project No. 11-42, “Water Reservoir
and Pump Station on Fulkerth Road”
D. 1. Motion: Awarding bid and approving an agreement in the amount of $149,474.20
(Fund 255) with Taylor Backhoe Services, Inc., of Merced, California, for City Project No.
11-46, "Soderquist Sidewalk Improvements"
2. Resolution: Appropriating $94,100 to account number 255-41-485.47210_006
“Public Improvements,” to be funded via a transfer from account number 255-41-
485.47210_001, for City Project No. 11-46, “Soderquist Sidewalk Improvements,” to
complete the necessary funding required for the project
E. Motion: Reaffirming the emergency declaration of the City Manager that there is a need
to pursue the replacement of hot water circulation piping at Turlock Regional Water
Quality Control Facility without compliance with the formal competitive bidding procedure
F. Motion: Awarding bid and approving an agreement in the amount of $177,623 (Fund
215) with Tim Paxin’s Excavation of Elk Grove, California, for City Project No. 0945,
“Washington and West Main Intersection Improvements”
G. Resolution: Directing the filing of the Annual Reports for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 for
Assessment Districts in the City of Turlock
H. Motion: Approving the rehabilitation forgivable loan #4533-RM, in the amount of
$10,000, where the City of Turlock will be in third position, as prescribed by the adopted
Rehabilitation Loan Policies and Procedures
I. Motion: Approving an Agreement between the City of Turlock and Horizon Water and
Environment for specialized environmental compliance consulting services during the
construction of the Harding Drain Bypass Project, in an amount not to exceed $55,639,
to be funded by Fund 415 (Sewer Bonds)
J. Resolution: Authorizing the filling and replacement of two (2) current vacant positions
and one (1) future vacancy within the Water Quality Control and Utilities Divisions of
Municipal Services through an in-house recruitment of full-time, part-time and volunteer
/intern staff, and outside recruitment if needed
K. Resolution: Appropriating $1,666 to account number 216-40-421.43060_003 “Contract
Services-Signalization” from Fund 426 “Transit (Fixed Route)” for the “Transit Hub
Construction” and Fund 305 “Capital Facilities Fees” for the “Traffic Signal at West Main
and South Kilroy” for modifications to the traffic signals during construction
L. Motion: Approving an Agreement with Kyocera Mita America, Inc., through the
Association of Education of Purchasing Agencies (AEPA), Contract No. AEPA009D, with
maintenance provided by Mo-Cal of Modesto, California, to lease nine (9) multifunctional
copiers for placement in Police (3), Finance (1), Planning (1), Building (1), Recreation
(1), Human Resources (1) and Fleet Maintenance (1) at a monthly cost of $784, totaling
$49,392 over the 63-month lease period, in accordance with TMC §2-7-08(b)(5)
M. Resolution: Authorizing the Purchasing Officer to dispose of surplus property by any
means determined to be in the best interest of the City
N. Motion: Approving an agreement with Financial Credit Network, Inc. for collection
agency services for bad debts, in an amount not to exceed $20,000 for a period of
twelve (12) months
O. Resolution: Approving the amended Parks, Recreation & Public Facilities Division parttime
employee wage scale which reflects changes to position titles effective June 1,
P. Resolution: Rescinding Resolution No. 97-112 and adopting an amended enabling
resolution for the Turlock City Arts Commission
Q. Motion: Approving the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between the City
of Turlock and the Turlock Unified School District to offer youth volleyball programs
within the community
R. 1. Motion: Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Agreement for tree trimming and
maintenance services on a piggy-back contract from the Turlock Irrigation District,
Contract No. G090074, with Davey Tree Surgery Company of Modesto, California, for
Parks, Recreation & Public Facilities Division, without compliance to the formal bid
2. Motion: Approving the service agreement with Davey Tree Surgery Company of
Modesto, California, for tree trimming and maintenance services for a period of fifteen
(15) months, ending June 30, 2013, in an amount not to exceed $15,000
S. Motion: Approving a contract with the Housing Authority of the County of Stanislaus for
non-school hour activities
T. Motion: Approving an agreement between the City of Turlock and the Turlock Unified
School District for Police Officer Services at Turlock High School
U. Motion: Approving an agreement between the City of Turlock and the Turlock Unified
School District for Police Officer Services at Pitman High School
V. Motion: Approving an agreement between the City of Turlock and the Stanislaus County
Fairgrounds for the purpose of using the northern parking lot and surrounding areas of
the Fairgrounds for continued Turlock Police Department motorcycle and bicycle team
training from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012
W. Resolution: Authorizing the release of unclaimed checks pursuant to California
Government Code Section 50055 to the City of Turlock
X. Motion: Rejecting Claim for Damages filed by Bethany Cardenas
Y. Motion: Rejecting Claim for Damages filed by Simaran Kaur
A. Request to amend Turlock Municipal Code Title 6, Chapter 3, Article 1, Section 1
regarding Rates for the Collection of Recyclable Waste Material. (Cooke)
Recommended Action
Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code Title 6, Chapter 3, Article 1, Section 1
Regarding Rates for the Collection of Recyclable Waste Material
A. Request to approve an amendment to the non-exclusive building lease agreement
between the City of Turlock and Turlock Gospel Mission, a non-profit corporation, for the
City owned area and building located at 1030 East Avenue, Turlock, California (Youth
Center). (Pitt)
Recommended Action
Motion: Approving an amendment to the non-exclusive building lease agreement
between the City of Turlock and Turlock Gospel Mission, a non-profit corporation, for the
City owned area and building located at 1030 East Avenue, Turlock, California (Youth
B. Request to adopt the City of Turlock General and Non-General Fund budgets covering
Fiscal Year 2012-13. (Wasden)
Recommended Action:
Resolution: Adopting the City of Turlock General Fund Budget covering Fiscal Year
Resolution: Adopting the City of Turlock Non-General Fund Budget covering Fiscal Year
Councilmembers may provide a brief report on notable topics of interest. The Brown Act does not allow discussion or action by the legislative body.
Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation, Cal. Gov’t Code §54956.9(a)
Name of case: Nirmal Singh v. City of Turlock