On Tuesday evening, the Turlock City Council will have their regularly scheduled meeting at City Hall. There will also be a Special Meeting held prior to the City Council meeting, starting at 6pm. The special meeting is scheduled in order to accept a portion of the preliminary fiscal year 2012-2013 Non-General Fund Budget, with the final budget to be adopted in whole on May 22, 2012. This is the second in a series of four special meetings to review the fiscal year 2012-2013 budgets.
The portion of the Non-General Fund budgets that will be reviewed and accepted include those for Municipal Services, Street Project funds, Building & Engineering operating funds, Transit funds and Housing Program Services, Economic Development and the Successor Agency for the Redevelopment agency.
The City Council meeting will start at 7pm, directly after the Special Meeting.
One of the items on the agenda brings forth a request to accept the report regarding the status of the Turlock City Arts Commission and take potential action regarding the future of the commission, including maintaining the current role of the Commission, disbanding the Commission, and/or entering into a future Memorandum of Understanding with the Carnegie Arts Center.
Over the last 14 months, the Turlock City Arts Commission has only held 6 meetings due to their inability to achieve a quorum. The commission is down to 6 members out of a possible 25, with many of the vacancies open due to past members resigning to volunteer for the Carnegie Arts Center.
Due to the lack of meetings, the Commission has struggled greatly in fulfilling its charge of encouraging and promoting cultural enrichment for the City of Turlock.
The Commission’s inability to meet on a monthly basis has forced them to cancel several planned events, including Arts Under the Starts, a photography show with the Turlock Historical Society and the Youth Spring Juried Art Show.
One of the major functions of the Commission is to plan and prepare exhibits at the City Hall Gallery.
The lack of regularly scheduled meetings has impacted this program, resulting in a lack of public art in the gallery for several months at a time. In addition, every month staff time is spent preparing and posting the Commission agenda, only to have the meeting canceled due to the lack of a quorum. These facts have brought into question the future of the Commission and whether or not the Commission should be disbanded.
Staff met with commission Chair, Candace Klaschus, to discuss the current state of the Commission and the struggle to maintain regular participation. Focusing on the goal of continuing to promote arts in the community, an idea to enter into a partnership with the Carnegie Arts Center was developed during that discussion.
In order to continue promoting arts in the community, and to provide public art in the City Hall Gallery, with Council approval, the City could choose to enter into an agreement with the Carnegie Arts Center to display complementary art exhibits to those showing at the Carnegie Arts Center.
The value in establishing a partnership with the Carnegie Arts Center will come in the form of their volunteers and their ability to ensure the City’s gallery will be used to display art on a regular basis. This idea was also discussed at the Arts Commission meeting on March 8, 2012 and the City staff discussed the idea with Rebecca Phillips Abbott, Executive Director of the Carnegie Arts Center, who was open to the idea of a partnership with the City in order to continue promoting art in the community by regularly displaying art in the City Hall Gallery.
Although the Turlock City Arts Commission was highly active in developing and promoting arts in the community in the past, and consisted of a large volunteer base, the current inconsistent levels of commissioner participation and staffing changes appear to have adversely impacted the vitality of the Arts Commission.
Tuesday evening, the City Council will make a decision to either disband the Turlock City Arts Commission and enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Carnegie Arts Center to promote arts in the community in a much more manageable and consistent manner, or the Council may decide to not disband the Arts Commission, and consider reducing the number of position on the Commission to a more manageable number.
Also on the agenda for the City Council meeting is a motion to provide direction to staff with regard to the feasibility of a transportation funding options ballot measure. This motion comes following the recent Roads Workshop the City held on April 10th regarding the conditions of the City’s streets and the current funding levels dedicated to street maintenance.
City staff will provide the Council with a historical perspective on the issues related to alternative methods local government participating in transportation financing, and providing the Council with further information as to the alternatives to address the condition of Turlock’s streets and roads.
The City Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 24 at 7pm (with the Special Meeting starting at 6pm) at City Hall, located at 156 S. Broadway.
To view the Council Regular Meeting Agenda Packet, visit the City of Turlock website here:
Text Version:
Turlock City Council Regular Scheduled
Meeting Agenda
April 24, 2012
7:00 p.m.
City of Turlock Yosemite Room
156 S. Broadway, Turlock, California
A. Proclamation: Light of Christ Lutheran Church 100th Anniversary accepted by Sylvia
B. Proclamation: Arbor Day 140th Anniversary, April 27, 2012 accepted by Allison Van
C. Presentation: Meadowlark Lemon and the Harlem All Stars Charity Basketball Game,
April 28, 2012 by Municipal Services Director Dan Madden
SPEAKER CARDS: To accommodate those wishing to address the Council and allow for staff follow-up, speaker cards are available for any agendized topic or any other topic delivered under Public Comment. Please fill out and provide the Comment Card to the City Clerk or Police Officer.
This is the time set aside for members of the public to directly address the City Council on any item of interest to the public, before or during the City Council’s consideration of the item, that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. You will be allowed three (3) minutes for your comments. If you wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda, you may be asked to defer your remarks until the Council addresses the matter. No action or discussion may be undertaken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except that Council may refer the matter to staff or request it be placed on a future agenda.
Information concerning the consent items listed hereinbelow has been forwarded to each Councilmember prior to this meeting for study. Unless the Mayor, a Councilmember or member of the audience has questions concerning the Consent Calendar, the items are approved at one time by the Council. The action taken by the Council in approving the consent items is set forth in the explanation of the individual items.
A. Resolution: Accepting Demands of 3/29/12 in the amount of $1,539,219.03; Demands
of 4/5/12 in the amount of 473,039.25
B. Motion: Accepting Minutes of Special Meeting of April 10, 2012; Minutes of Regular
Meeting of April 10, 2012
C. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 1 in the decreased amount
of ($65,045) (Fund 305) for City Project No. 0804B, “Turlock Public Safety Facility,”
Category 1 – General Construction and Specialties, bringing the contract total to
D. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 2 in the increased amount
of $518.15 (Fund 305) for City Project No. 0804B, "Turlock Public Safety Facility,"
Category 4 – Landscaping, bringing the contract total to $227,328.15
E. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 2 in the increased amount
of $6,399 (Fund 305) for City Project No. 0804B, "Turlock Public Safety Facility,"
Category 08 – Roofing and Waterproofing, bringing the contract total to $599,797
F. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 1 in the decreased amount
of ($6,100) (Fund 305) for City Project No. 0804B, "Turlock Public Safety Facility,"
Category 16 – Fire Protection, bringing the contract total to $237,390
G. Motion: Awarding bid and approving an agreement in the amount of $177,623 (Fund
215) with Tim Paxin’s Excavation of Elk Grove, California, for City Project No. 0945,
“Washington and West Main Intersection Improvements”
H. Motion: Approving Contract Change Order No. 4 in the amount of $11,804.57 (Fund
426) for City Project No. 0952, "Turlock Regional Transit Center,” bringing the contract
total to $1,669,773.95
I. Motion: Approving an agreement in an amount not to exceed $15,595 (Fund 420) with
Kenneth D. Schmidt and Associates for groundwater quality consultation services for
City Project 11-45, “Pilot Hole for Well No. 41”
J. Motion: Awarding bid and approving an agreement in the amount of $13,834.00 (Fund
112) with Barton Overhead Door, Inc., Modesto, California, for City Project No. 12-32,
"Rollup Door Replacement at Fire Station No. 2 & No. 4"
K. Motion: Reaffirming the emergency declaration of the City Manager that there is a need
to pursue the replacement of hot water circulation piping at the Turlock Regional Water
Quality Control Facility without compliance with the formal competitive bidding procedure
L. Motion: Approving Amendment No. 2 to City Contract No. 07- 448 with Carollo
Engineers in the amount of $42,510, to provide a comparison of Packed Tower
technology for removal of Trihalomethanes (THM) with continued chlorine disinfection
versus Ultra Violet Light (UV) technology for disinfection without the use of chlorine, in
the Regional Water Quality Control Facility (RWQCF) effluent
M. Motion: Approving the Maintenance Agreement with Mo-Cal Office Solutions of Modesto
for the Fire Department’s Ricoh MP 3010 copier, for a period of twelve (12) months, in
an annual amount not to exceed $200, plus an overage rate of $0.015 per page
N. Resolution: Authorizing the Purchasing Officer to dispose of surplus property by any
means determined to be in the best interest of the City
O. Resolution: Authorizing the filling of one (1) vacant Police Records Technician position
within the Turlock Police Department through an in-house recruitment of full-time, parttime
and volunteer staff, and outside recruitment if needed
P. Resolution: Authorizing the Turlock Fire Department to establish a Working Agreement
or Memorandum of Understanding with American Medical Response – West for the sole
purpose of Continuing Education Records oversight under the direction of a Clinical
Medical Director provided by American Medical Response – West
Q. Motion: Accepting the 2010-11 Audited Financial Statements for the City of Turlock
R. Resolution: Approving the 2012 Master Calendar and subsequent street closures for the
Turlock Downtown Property Owners Association
A. Request to repeal Turlock Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 7, Article 9, Section 03
entitled, “Solicitation of Motorists Prohibited.” (Norton)
Recommended Action
Ordinance: Repealing Turlock Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 7, Article 9, Section 03
entitled, “Solicitation of Motorists Prohibited”
A. Request to accept the report regarding the status of the Turlock City Arts Commission
and take potential action regarding the future of the commission, including maintaining
the current role of the Commission, disbanding the Commission, and/or entering into a
future Memorandum of Understanding with the Carnegie Arts Center. (Van Guilder)
Recommended Action – Option 1:
Resolution: Accepting the report regarding the status of the Turlock City Arts
Commission, and effective June 1, 2012, disbanding the Commission and rescinding
Resolution No. 97-112, which set forth the Turlock City Arts Commission bylaws, with
the intent of entering into a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Turlock
and the Carnegie Arts Center to provide public art in the City Hall Gallery
Recommended Action – Option 2:
Motion: Accepting the report regarding the status of the Turlock City Arts Commission
and maintaining the current role of the Turlock City Arts Commission
B. Request to provide direction to staff with regard to the feasibility of a transportation
funding options local ballot measure. (Pitcock)
Recommended Action
Motion: Providing direction to staff with regard to the feasibility of a transportation
funding options local ballot measure
C. Request to support ACA 23, an amendment to the California Constitution, lowering the
voter threshold to fifty-five (55) percent for local transportation sales tax. (Pitt)
Recommended Action:
Resolution: Supporting ACA 23, an amendment to the California Constitution, lowering
the voter threshold to fifty-five (55) percent for local transportation sales tax
Councilmembers may provide a brief report on notable topics of interest. The Brown Act does not allow discussion or action by the legislative body.
Conference with Labor Negotiators, Cal. Gov’t Code §54957.6
Agency Negotiators: Roy W. Wasden/Phil Lancaster
Employee Organization: Turlock Associated Police Officers
Employee Organization: Turlock City Employee Association
Employee Organization: Turlock Firefighters Association. Local 2434
Employee Organization: Turlock Management Association-Public Safety
Unrepresented Employees: Accountant, Sr., Assistant to the City Manager for Economic
Development/Redevelopment, Community Housing Services Manager, Deputy Development Services
Director/Planning, Development Services Director/City Engineer, Development Services Supervisor/City
Surveyor, Executive Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk, Finance Customer Service Supervisor, Fire
Chief, Human Resources Manager, Human Resources Technician, Legal Assistant, Municipal Services
Director, Payroll Coordinator, Principal Civil Engineer, Public Facilities Maintenance Manager, Regulatory
Affairs Manager, Secretary/Deputy City Clerk, Executive Administrative Assistant/Public Safety,
Technical Services Manager, Traffic/Transportation Engineering Supervisor, Utilities Manager, Water
Quality Control Division Manager