The Turlock City Council will hold their regularly scheduled City Council Meeting at Turlock City Hall on Tuesday at 7pm. The meeting agenda includes a City Staff request to accept the Municipal Services Department Annual Report for 2011-12 and direct staff to obtain proposals for professional consulting services to assist in the preparation of a water rate study.
The Turlock City Council meeting will also include a presentation of the 2012 San Joaquin Valley Blueprint Award accepted by Carnegie Arts Foundation, a special briefing by the Turlock Downtown Property Owners Association regarding upcoming holiday events and decreasing vacancies, and a staff update on the Turlock Fire Department Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October 2012) Campaign.
To view the complete Turlock City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Packet, visit the City of Turlock website here:
People may also watch the Council video live from the City of Turlock website and on Charter channel 2.
Text Version:
Turlock City Council Regular Scheduled
Meeting Agenda
November 13, 2012
7:00 p.m.
City of Turlock Yosemite Room
156 S. Broadway, Turlock, California
A. Presentation: 2012 San Joaquin Valley Blueprint Award accepted by Carnegie Arts
SPEAKER CARDS: To accommodate those wishing to address the Council and allow for staff follow-up, speaker cards are available for any agendized topic or any other topic delivered under Public Comment. Please fill out and provide the Comment Card to the City Clerk or Police Officer.
1. Turlock Downtown Property Owners Association:
Upcoming Holiday Events
Decreasing Vacancies
1. Board, Commission, and Committee Vacancies (Weaver)
2. Capital Projects and Building Activity (Pitcock)
3. Turlock Fire Department Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October 2012) Campaign
Update (Lohman)
This is the time set aside for members of the public to directly address the City Council on any item of interest to the public, before or during the City Council’s consideration of the item, that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. You will be allowed three (3) minutes for your comments. If you wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda, you may be asked to defer your remarks until the Council addresses the matter. No action or discussion may be undertaken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except that Council may refer the matter to staff or request it be placed on a future agenda.
Information concerning the consent items listed hereinbelow has been forwarded to each Councilmember prior to this meeting for study. Unless the Mayor, a Councilmember or member of the audience has questions concerning the Consent Calendar, the items are approved at one time by the Council. The action taken by the Council in approving the consent items is set forth in the explanation of the individual items.
A. Resolution: Accepting Demands of 10/4/12 in the amount of $583,097.30; Demands of
10/11/12 in the amount of $1,493,770.97; Demands of 10/18/12 in the amount of
B. Motion: Accepting Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 23, 2012
C. Motion: Adopting an agreement between the City of Turlock and New Urban
Communities Partners Turlock, LLC for an Addendum to the Mitigated Negative
Declaration for Minor Discretionary Permit 2011-02
D. 1. Motion: Approving Contract Change Order No. 3 (final) for a credit of $14,056.47
(Fund 215) for City Project 10-65, “Rehabilitation of Golden State Boulevard and West
Main Street,” bringing the contract total to $1,068,348.31
2. Motion: Accepting improvements for City Project No. 10-65, “Rehabilitation of Golden
State Boulevard and West Main Street,” and authorizing the City Engineer to file a
Notice of Completion”
E. 1. Motion: Awarding bid and approving an agreement in the amount of $277,917.64
(Fund 215) with Municipal Maintenance Equipment of Sacramento, California, for City
Project No. 11-18, “Purchase of CNG Street Sweeper CML-5165(063)”
2. Resolution:Appropriating $22,668 to account number 215-40-420.51210 “Streets –
Grant Funded Projects” to be funded via a transfer from Fund 506 “Vehicle & Equipment
Replacement” to fund the remaining local match required to fully fund the purchase
associated with City Project No. 11-18, “Purchase of CNG Street Sweeper CML-
F. Motion: Awarding bid and approving an agreement in the amount of $359,038.09 (Fund
215) with Nixon-Egli Equipment Company, Tracy, California, for City Project No. 11-19,
“Purchase of CNG Sewer Maintenance Vehicle CML-5165(064)”
G. 1. Motion: Approving the sole source procurement of four Flygt brand sewer pumps
from Shape, Inc. of Stockton, California, in the amount of $131,405.52 (Fund 410)
without compliance to the formal bid procedure
2. Resolution: Appropriating $550,000 to account number 410-51-534.51123 “Tegner &
Main Sewer Lift Station & Valve Box Design,” from Fund 308 (Sewer) Reserve Balance
for City Project 11-41 “Sewer Lift Stations on West Main/Clinton and West Main/Tegner”
3. Motion: Awarding bid and approving an agreement in the amount of $635,032 (Fund
410) with Sierra Mountain Construction, of San Francisco, California for City Project No.
11-41, “Sewer Lift Stations on West Main/Clinton and West Main/Tegner”
H. 1. Motion: Approving Contract Change Order No. 1 (final) in the amount of
$14,412.73 for City Project No. 11-46, “Soderquist Sidewalk Improvements,”
bringing the contract total to $163,886.93
2. Motion: Accepting improvements for City Project No. 11-46, “Soderquist Sidewalk
Improvements,” and authorizing the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion
I. Motion: Reaffirming the emergency declaration of the City Manager that there is a need
to replace the roof at the Marty Yerby Center without compliance to the formal
competitive bid process
J. 1. Motion: Awarding bid and approving an agreement in the amount of $18,768 (Fund
112) with Pacific Valley Roofing, Inc., of Ceres, California, for City Project No. 12-52,
“Fire Station No. 4 Roof Replacement,” at 2820 N. Walnut Road, Turlock, California
2. Resolution: Appropriating $22,074 to account number 112-10-116.51146 “General
Fund Reserve for Capital Purchases” through a transfer from Fund 110 “General Fund
(Unreserved)” to fund City Project No. 12-52, “Fire Station No. 4 Roof Replacement,” as
listed in the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Year 2012-13
K. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 2 in the credit amount of
($43,800) (Fund 305) for City Project No. 0804B, “Turlock Public Safety Facility,”
Category 01 – General Construction and Specialties, bringing the contract total to
L. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 3 in the increased amount
of $2,364.76 (Fund 305) for City Project No. 0804B, “Turlock Public Safety Facility,”
Category 04 – Landscaping, bringing the contract total to $229,692.91
M. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $13,881
(Fund 305) for City Project No. 0804B, “Turlock Public Safety Facility,” Category 06 –
Structural Steel, bringing the contract total to $3,439,969
N. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 4 in the amount of $12,484
(Fund 305) for City Project No. 0804B, “Turlock Public Safety Facility,” Category 12 –
Mechanical and HVAC, bringing the contract total to $2,537,676
O. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $6,332
(Fund 305) for City Project No. 0804B, “Turlock Public Safety Facility,” Category 16 –
Fire Protection, bringing the contract total to $243,722
P. 1. Motion: Awarding bid and approving an agreement in the amount of $694,730.00
(Fund 215) with Ross F. Carroll, Inc., of Oakdale, California for City Project Number
0872, “Landscape Golden State Boulevard from Monte Vista Avenue to the south”
2. Resolution: Appropriating $150,000 to account number 215-40-420.51210, “Federal
Street Project” from Fund 305 (Roadways) Reserve Balance for the construction of City
Project No. 0872, “Landscape Golden State Boulevard from Monte Vista Avenue to the
Q. Resolution: Authorizing the filling of one (1) vacant Plans Examiner position within the
Building Division through an in-house recruitment of full-time, part-time and
volunteer/intern staff, and outside recruitment if needed
R. Resolution: Authorizing the filling of one (1) vacant Staff Services Assistant position
within the Building Division through the use of an existing eligibility list and, if
unsuccessful, through an in-house recruitment of full-time, part-time and volunteer/intern
staff, and outside recruitment if needed
S. Motion: Authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents to clear title
on 2820 and 2836 North Walnut Road owned by the City of Turlock and the Heirs of
Joseph and Virginia Gomes
T. Motion: Authorizing the sale of the home located at 2680 Murray Street, more
particularly described as Stanislaus County Assessor’s Parcel No. 071-020-036, owned
by the City of Turlock as the Housing Successor Agency and authorizing the City
Manager to execute the sale agreement and all other necessary loan documents and
covenants to successfully execute the sale of the subject property as provided for in the
attached Exhibits A, B, and C
U. 1. Motion: Approving the special services agreement with Larry Walker and Associates
in the amount of $42,900 to provide professional consulting services for the development
of a carbon tetrachloride, chlorodibromomethane, and dichlorobromomethane
compliance strategy
2. Resolution: Appropriating $50,000 to Fund 410-51-530.43316 “NPDES Permit
Studies” from Fund 410 “Water Quality Control” reserve balance for expenses
associated with professional consulting services provided by Larry Walker and
Associates, as well as additional anticipated expenses throughout the remainder of
Fiscal Year 2012-13
V. Motion: Approving an agreement with Badger Meter, Inc., of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to
provide commercial and industrial water meters for Municipal Services Utilities Division,
for a period of twelve (12) months ending November 13, 2013, in an amount not to
exceed $26,566
W. Motion: Approving an agreement with E. R. Vine & Sons, Inc. of Ceres, California, for
providing lubricating oil and miscellaneous products for Municipal Services Fleet
Maintenance Department, for a period of twelve (12) months ending November 30,
2013, in an amount not to exceed $20,000
X. Resolution: Authorizing the release of thirty-six (36) bicycles and one (1) broken
wheelchair from Police Property and Evidence for auction through,
and the release of miscellaneous power tools and equipment for redistribution within the
City of Turlock’s Maintenance Department
Y. Resolution: Accepting Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF) grant
monies from the State of California Citizen’s Option for Public Safety (COPS) program
projected to be a minimum of $100,000 in Fiscal Year 2012-13; Rescinding Resolution
2011-197; Combining Fiscal Year’s 2011-12 and 2012-13 SLESF monies into one
spending plan; and Appropriating combined total for expenditure in Fiscal Year 2012-13
in Fund 267 (COPS AB3229)
Z. Motion: Amending the Turlock Property and Business Improvement District No.2
Amended Operating Agreement by and between the Turlock Downtown Property
Owners Association (TDPOA) and the City of Turlock
AA. 1. Motion: Approving an agreement with the State of California’s Franchise Tax Board
for participation in the Interagency Intercept Collections (IIC) program
2. Motion: Approving an agreement with LexisNexis for skip tracing services required to
participate in the Interagency Intercept Collections (IIC) program, in an annual amount
not to exceed $1,000
3. Resolution: Appropriating $1,000 from Fund 110 “General Fund” to 110-10-
112.43013 “Interagency Intercept Program Software Services,” for participation in the
Interagency Intercept Collections (IIC) program and associated skip tracing services
AB. Motion: Approving a professional services agreement for preparation of a Cost
Allocation Plan with Nimbus Consulting Group, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $17,000
AC. Resolution: Authorizing the release of unclaimed checks pursuant to California
Government Code Section 50050 and 50053 to the City of Turlock
AD. Motion: Rejecting Claim for Damages filed by Care West Insurance Company
AE. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 1 in the amount of
$115,000 (Fund 415) for City Project No. 6859, “Harding Drain Bypass Pump Station
and Pipeline,” bringing the contract total to $13,309,725
A. Request for approval establishing a lien for payment for the abatement of certain weeds,
obnoxious growth and other debris on property and abandoned vehicles that are a
nuisance to the public. (Boyd)
Recommended Action
Resolution: Assessing properties for abatement costs and establishing a lien for
B. Request to amend Turlock Municipal Code Title 6, Chapter 4, Section 303(a)(14)
regarding Prohibited Wastewater Discharges and Section 402 regarding Payment of
Collection Charges. (Cooke)
Recommended Action
Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code Title 6, Chapter 4, Section 303(a)(14)
regarding Prohibited Wastewater Discharges and Section 402 regarding Payment of
Collection Charges
C. Request to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Effect pursuant to
CEQA; amend the General Plan Land Use Diagram; amend the Zoning map attached to
Title 9 of the Turlock Municipal Code (Yosemite Farm Credit) and approve Minor
Discretionary Permit 2012-16 (Yosemite Farm Credit). (Pitcock)
Recommended Action
Motion: Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Effect pursuant to
the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Resolution: Amending the Land Use Diagram of the Turlock General Plan [GPA 2012-
02 (Yosemite Farm Credit)]
Ordinance: Amending the Zoning Map of the City of Turlock, California, attached to Title
9 of the Turlock Municipal Code [Rezone 2012-02 (Yosemite Farm Credit)] Resolution: Establishing conditions of approval for Minor Discretionary Permit 2012-16
(Yosemite Farm Credit)
A. Request to accept the Municipal Services Department Annual Report for 2011-12 and
direct staff to obtain proposals for professional consulting services to assist in the
preparation of a water rate study. (Madden)
Recommended Action:
Motion: Accepting the Municipal Services Department Annual Report for 2011-12
Motion: Directing staff to obtain proposals for professional consulting services to assist
in the preparation of a Water Rate Study, with any contract subject to future Council
review and approval
Councilmembers may provide a brief report on notable topics of interest. The Brown Act does not allow discussion or
action by the legislative body.
A. Conference with Real Property Negotiators, Cal. Gov’t Code §54956.8
Property: 900 N. Palm St., Turlock, CA, APN #042-037-008
Agency Negotiator: Roy Wasden
Negotiating Parties: Turlock Irrigation District
Under Negotiation: Price and terms of payment for the purchase/sale of the property of
located at 900 N. Palm St.
B. Conference with Labor Negotiators, Cal. Gov’t Code §54957.6
Agency Negotiators: Roy W. Wasden/Phil Lancaster
Employee Organization: Turlock Associated Police Officers
Employee Organization: Turlock City Employee Association
Employee Organization: Turlock Firefighters Association. Local 2434
Employee Organization: Turlock Management Association-Public Safety
Unrepresented Employees: Accountant, Sr., Assistant to the City Manager for Economic
Development/Redevelopment, Community Housing Services Manager, Deputy Development
Services Director/Planning, Development Services Director/City Engineer, Development Services
Supervisor/City Surveyor, Executive Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk, Finance Customer
Service Supervisor, Fire Chief, Human Resources Manager, Human Resources Technician,
Legal Assistant, Municipal Services Director, Payroll Coordinator, Principal Civil Engineer, Public
Facilities Maintenance Manager, Regulatory Affairs Manager, Secretary/Deputy City Clerk,
Executive Administrative Assistant/Public Safety, Technical Services Manager,
Traffic/Transportation Engineering Supervisor, Utilities Manager, Water Quality Control Division