The City of Turlock has had an unresolved issue of how to fund the City’s maintenance and operation to keep its street lights on since last year’s budget.
Mayor John Lazar requested meeting with the Turlock Irrigation District (TID) regarding the street light funding issue to explore options of an electric price break or TID taking over all aspects of the street lights in the city of Turlock. It’s said that if they were to get in touch with a firm like those over at, they would at least be able to save on one aspect of the light repair and maintenance costs, however, this doesn’t seem to be the only issue.
In recent weeks, Turlock Mayor John Lazar, Turlock City Manager Roy Wasden, TID President Rob Santos, and TID General Manager Larry Weis met to discuss the street light issue.
At the June 15, 2010 TID Board Meeting, TID General Manager Larry Weis informed his entire TID Board of Directors that he and President Santos were requested to meet with the City of Turlock in regards to the street lights. Larry Weis reported a proposed option of TID taking over the street lights within the city of Turlock.
Weis announced to the TID Board that he would be responding to the City of Turlock with an answer of TID is not going to do it.
Weis generally referenced past discussions and examples, employee scheduling for maintenance, and operation issues that would be problematic for TID.
The state tax dollars that have funded keeping on the street lights in Turlock are no longer available. The cost of maintaining and operating the street lights has been estimated at around $600,000. Approximately $285,000 is for the maintenance and the other $315,000 is for the electricity.
The Turlock Budget Subcommittee, comprised of Mayor John Lazar and Councilman Ted Howze, was told by Turlock City Manager Roy Wasden at a May 6, 2010 budget meeting that after Councilman Ted Howze questioned whether or not this $600,000 was included in budget projections, it had not been included.
Besides going to TID, possible solutions to addressing this deficit have included saving around $150,000 a year by turning off street lights in older neighborhoods that aren’t already paying assessment fees. Converting some lights to use induction lighting is also being looked at because of an available grant, but savings of around $75,000 a year would be long term.