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Turlock City News

TID Regular Board Meeting Agenda 12-16-08

Turlock Irrigation District
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
9:00 a.m.
333 E. Canal Drive, Turlock, CA 95380
All matters listed hereunder will be acted upon by a single vote of the Board. There will be no individual discussion of these items unless a member of the Board or the public so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate agenda item.
1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of December 9, 2008.
2. Approval of Turlock Irrigation District checks dated December 16, 2008.
Interested persons in the audience are welcome to introduce any topic within the District’s jurisdiction. Matters presented under this heading may be discussed, but no action will be taken by the Board at this meeting.
1. Certificate of Retirement – Kathryn Jackson
Recognize Kathryn Jackson, IS Operations Technician, for 33 years and 10 months of service to the Turlock Irrigation District.
– Wayne Turnbow, Information Services Department Manager
1. Electrical System Update
– Renee Cargill, Service Division Manager
2. Power Report
– Jody Melo, Energy Settlement & Trading Support Division Manager
3. Water Report
– Jason Carkeet, Utility Analyst
1. Resolution Approving an Agreement for Special Services Between Merced County and the TID
Consider approval of an agreement with the County of Merced for the Merced County Sheriff’s Department to provide special services consisting of patrolling TID canals and other property effective January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009, and authorizing the General Manager to sign the agreement on behalf of the TID.
– Todd Troglin, Water Distribution Department Manager
2. Resolution Approving an Agreement for Special Services Between Stanislaus County and the TID
Consider approval of an agreement with the County of Stanislaus for the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department to provide special services consisting of patrolling TID canals and other property effective January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009, and authorizing the General Manager to sign the agreement on behalf of the TID.
– Todd Troglin, Water Distribution Department Manager
3. Resolution Approving the Interchange Authority Agreement Between the Western Electricity Coordinating Council and the TID
Consider approval of the Interchange Authority Agreement between the WECC and the TID in compliance with NERC requirements, and authorizing the Assistant General Manager of Engineering & Operations to execute the agreement on behalf of the TID.
– Casey Hashimoto, AGM Engineering & Operations
4. Resolution Appointing Contracting Officer for the Hughson/West Ceres 115-kV Transmission Project and Directing the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report
Consider approval of a resolution directing TID staff to proceed with preparation of an environmental impact report for construction of a new 115 kV transmission
line between the Hughson Substation and a new substation in west Ceres, and appointing a contracting officer for the project.
– Greg Tucker, Senior Electrical Engineer
5. Motion Approving the Don Pedro Recreation Agency Schedule of Fees
Consider approval of the DPRA Schedule of Fees effective January 1, 2009 and that all previously adopted fee schedules be rescinded.
– Carol Russell, DPRA Department Manager
6. Motion Canceling the TID Regular Board Meetings of December 23 and December 30, 2008
7. Resolution Delegating Authority to Approve Payment of TID Warrants
Consider authorization for the President and/or Vice President to approve payment of warrants against the TID for the period of December 17 through December 30, 2008.
– Joe E. Malaski, AGM Financial Services
8. Resolution Approving the TID Investment Policy and Authorizing the Treasurer to Perform Investment Activity
Annual review of the Investment Policy and delegation of authority to the Treasurer to perform investment activity on behalf of the TID.
– Joe E. Malaski, AGM Financial Services
9. Motion Adjourning for a Meeting of the Tuolumne Wind Project Authority
10. Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Not To Exceed $450,000,000 Principal Amount of Tuolumne Wind Project Authority Revenue Bonds, and Approving Forms, and the Execution and Delivery of an Indenture and Power Purchase Agreement Relating to the Proposed Tuolumne Project Authority Revenue Bonds, and Authorizing Certain Other Matters Relating Thereto
Consider authorization of the issuance of revenue bonds in order to finance the acquisition of the project company, Tuolumne Wind Project, LLC; approve the form and execution and delivery of an Indenture and Power Purchase Agreement; and authorizing the officers, employees and agents of the TID to execute and deliver any and all documents, agreements and instruments and to do any and all things deemed necessary or advisable in order to consummate the transactions and otherwise carry out, give effect to and comply with the terms and intent of this resolution.
– Joe E. Malaski, AGM Financial Services
11. Resolution Approving the Turlock Irrigation District 2009 Budget
Consider adoption of the budget, electric service rate schedules, irrigation water charge rate schedule and schedules of other charges for calendar year 2009 and a copy ordered filed in the Secretary’s office.
– Joe E. Malaski, AGM Financial Services
1. Don Pedro Board of Control Report
– Director Short
The next scheduled regular meeting is January 6, 2009 at 9:00 a.m.

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