Turlock City News

Turlock City News

TID Approves Downsizing Fleet, Extending Lease at Patterson Offices

On Tuesday, the Turlock Irrigation District Board of Directors approved resolutions to both downsize and continue the district’s impact outside of Turlock.

TID approved a measure, on a 5-0 vote, to declare various equipment and vehicles as surplus property and making them no longer for district purposes.

That equipment, which includes lawnmowers, generators, water pumps, forklifts, dozers, excavators and vehicles, would be sold by the Assistant General Manager of Water Resources to the highest bidder or at his discretion.

According to TID staff, the items have an original value of $5,000 or more, however, due to depreciation, some range in current estimated values between $50 to $10,000.

Some items are damaged, out of compliance, or beyond useful life, while others are simply a part of fleet reduction.

Items deemed out of compliance for emission reasons include a 1999 CAT 322BL Excavator, valued currently around $10,000; a 1996 CAT 60E Forklift, currently valued around $3,000; and a 2001 water pump, currently valued around $750.

While TID is downsizing some of their equipment, the district is continuing to expansion outside of Turlock as the Board of Directors approved a resolution, on a 4-1 vote, to approve a five-year lease agreement for the rental of their Patterson office.

Director Michael Frantz praised Jason Hicks, TID Transportation and Facilities Department Manager, for always presenting the Board of Directors with the real cost of growth and the size of the fleet and making sure the district is being efficient.

“I’ve always appreciated your passion for your work,” said Frantz.”…Thank you for all that you’re doing. I know you work real hard to always keep squeezing things down and be efficient as we can."

The district has maintained the Patterson offices, located at 32 and 34 N. Third St. in Patterson, since 2007, adding an adjoining space in 2009. The original leases expired in October and November of last year.

According to staff, TID is a comprehensive review of the space and researched other spaces available within the city-limits. Staff recommended, at the end of the report, that it was in the district’s best interest to remain at the current office.

The Board of Directors approved the five-year lease on a 4-1 vote, with Director Joe Alamo casting the lone dissenting vote.

The lease agreement between TID and Nunes, Gaspar and Sarasqueta will cost the district $2,485 per month until the lease ends on Dec. 31, 2020. The agreement also features two five-year options if TID chooses to renew or extend the lease.

Alamo asked Hicks, who presented the resolution, if TID would be able to get out of the lease within five years to which Hicks responded they could, but there would be some fees involved in early termination. 

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