Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Tickets Available for THS FFA Chicken BBQ Dinner

It’s that time of year again to pick up a delicious chicken BBQ dinner from Neto’s to support the Turlock High School FFA.

The chicken dinner includes a half-chicken, beans, salad and rolls at the price of $12 for each ticket.

Neto’s (located at the corner of Golden State and 20th Century boulevards) will open for drive-thru pick up on Sept. 24 from 4 to 7 p.m.

Tickets are pre-sold by FFA students or you can call the Turlock Ag Department at 209-667-4061 or email rprada@turlock.k12.ca.us.

Randee Prada said last year THS FFA raised more than $10,000 and sold about 1,800 tickets. This year FFA students have checked out 2,000 tickets to sell.

Proceeds will go towards leadership activities, scholarships and field study tours for THS FFA, one of the most awarded and well-known high school FFA programs in the State of California.


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