Turlock City News

Turlock City News

THS Custodian Finds $3,400 in Jacket, Returns to Owner

Courtesy of Turlock High School

In the immortal words of John Wooden, “The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”

On May 9, Turlock High School custodian Billy Lowe found a random jacket stuffed into a classroom trash can. After he fished it out, he attempted to find some type of identification inside one of the pockets, but instead he found $3,400 in cash.

Lowe immediately turned over the jacket and cash to THS administration. School Resource Officer Neil Raumann was subsequently able to find the owner of the jacket.

Turns out a gentleman had attended the Modesto Model A Swap Meet at the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds in January of 2013 and he had left his jacket on a barricade.

The man returned home out of the area, but called the Model A Club and Turlock police to report the lost jacket and $3,400 in cash.

Somehow, the jacket made its way to THS. Principal Marie Peterson says that perhaps a student volunteer with the Agriculture Department may have picked it up.

The jacket was left in a box in a THS classroom until just the other day, when the box and its contents were thrown out, and Lowe stumbled across the oddly placed jacket.

“Billy Lowe found the jacket and the money and turned them both in,” Peterson said. “The owner was beside himself, and very appreciative to hear that his money was found and returned. We are proud of our custodian Billy Lowe who truly embodies the TUSD motto ‘Character Counts!’”

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