A bike path stretches along most of Turlock's northern boundary, running parallel to Taylor Road from Tegner Road to Berkeley Avenue. But the bike path is currently missing one small section, right in the heart of its 3.2 mile length.
That bike path may soon may soon be completed, with the Turlock City Council due to consider a $224,800 project to install roughly one-tenth of a mile of new pathway on Tuesday.
The project would install the missing segment of bike path near Crowell Road, behind the Light of Christ Lutheran Church. Once the project is completed, the bike path would be entirely contiguous.
The work would also install landscaping, irrigation, and a masonry wall matching the existing area.
The majority of the cost, $221,682, would be funded through a U.S. Department of Transportation Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program grant. The remaining $3,118 would come from Turlock's gas tax revenues.
Work would be performed by MCI Engineering, of Stockton, at a cost of $183,209. MCI Engineering was not the lowest bidder, but Roger Cook Construction's low bid of $162,793 was deemed non-responsive as the bid did not address a federally-required Disadvantaged Business Enterprise goal.
On Tuesday, the Turlock City Council is also expected to:
• Consider an updated schedule of fees and charges for city services. The most notable change is a 15 cent charge per page of public records printed, though the first 15 pages will be free.
• Readopt an updated Turlock budget for the coming fiscal year.
The budget approved on June 10 mistakenly left out the $70,000 cost to hire a federal lobbyist, who will advocate for Turlock in the field of water issues. The cost would be split between two non-general fund budgets, the water quality control and water funds.
• Appoint three regular members and one alternate member to the Turlock City Arts Commission. Current commissioners Lakneshia Diaz and Jennifer Strangfeld are to be reappointed as regular members, with Natalie Adamzadeh to be reappointed as an alternate member. Current alternate Sergio Alvarado has requested to be appointed as a regular member.
• Hear a presentation on Catering Support Services, a Turlock-based commissary which caters to mobile food vendors. The presentation was to occur at the June 10 meeting of council, but was postponed as CSS representatives could not attend the meeting.
The Turlock City Council will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Yosemite Room of Turlock City Hall, 156 S. Broadway.