Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Stanislaus County Fair Exhibitor Deadlines Approaching

Courtesy of Stanislaus County Fair|

Exhibitor deadlines for the Stanislaus County Fair are quickly approaching.

Different exhibitors will face one of three deadlines, either May 15, 22, or 29.

The deadline for the following exhibits is Thursday, May 15:
-Horses. Submit 4-H and FFA entry forms to the Horse Office.
-Junior Livestock. Submit the 4-H and FFA entry forms to the Livestock Office.
-Still exhibits, excluding FFA Ag Mechanics, Ag Horticulture (fruits & vegetables) and Ornamental Horticulture (flowers, plants & gardens). Submit 4-H and FFA entry forms to the Exhibits Office in building E-2.

The deadline for the following exhibits is Thursday, May 22:
-FFA Ag Mechanics & Junior Industrial Arts, Ag Horticulture (fruits and vegetables), and Ornamental Horticulture (flowers, plants & gardens). Submit 4-H and FFA entry forms to the Exhibits Office in building E-2.
-Home Arts (foods & clothing-textiles), Fine Art & Crafts, and Photography. Submit Junior and Senior entry forms to the Exhibits Office in building E-2.
-Open Horse. Submit Junior and Senior entry forms to the Horse Office.

The deadline for the following exhibits is Thursday, May 29:
-Ag Horticulture (fruits & vegetables), Floriculture (flowers, plants & gardens), and Homemade Wine & Beer. Submit Junior and Senior entry forms to the Exhibits Office in building E-2.
-Rabbits, Poultry, Cavies, and Dogs. Submit 4-H and FFA entry forms to the Exhibits Office in Building E-2

The Stanislaus County Fair opens July 11 for a 10-day run.

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