Dear Editor:
As a Commissioner on the Turlock Parks, Recreation & Community Commission, I have had the honor to work with some of Turlock’s finest citizens. I have also been allowed to witness the hard work and dedication of many of our local citizens who put in countless hours of volunteer time into helping make our city the wonderful place that it truly is.
One of the people who fit this description is David “DJ” Fransen, candidate for Turlock City Council. While many people talk about the issues, Mr. Fransen has actually gone out and done something about the issues that affect our city. When our city’s youth have needed positive, constructive places to go, Mr. Fransen has walked door to door to help create our skate park and hopefully very soon our new bike park, just to name a couple of things he’s done. It’s hard to find individuals who truly care about helping others, but “DJ” is one of those people. I would like to endorse David “DJ” Fransen for Turlock City Council. I believe he possesses what we need on our City Council.
Dave Shabaz
Turlock Parks, Recreation & Community Commission
Dear Editor:
I understand it’s another election year, and some candidates will say anything to get elected, but whatever happened to the truth? Can someone please explain to me how a candidate can purchase 50 large 4 by 8 signs for $1,740.00? When anyone else would have to pay between $3,400.00 and $4,000..00. What the heck are campaign disclosure forms for if candidates are just going to ignore the truth and write whatever they want on ot? Isn’t it a crime to report a lie? It is certainly telling when a candidate either cooks the numbers, or deliberately leaves pertinent information out. I teach my children to play by the rules, I taught them not to lie. Most responsible parents do. I do not appreciate any candidate who deliberately tries to pull a fast one. It may be about “Action” to one particular candidate, but whatever happened to something called the truth-No Action Jackson? Now I understand that campaigns have slogans, but can anyone explain why on earth Jackson would use the slogan “It’s all about action’? What action? Where? When? Your kidding right?
Can someone also explain why Sacramento based AFSCME Union reps were walking Turlock for this particular candidate this past weekend. Why all the money and Union support from Sacramento? I’ve heard that the California Firefighters Association had backed this candidate at the request of a Sacramento connection but has been backed off by the local 2434 because they already endorsed two other candidates. What is a Sacramento based State wide organization doing in Turlock politics?
When you get to the polls, or when you are filling out your absentee ballot, keep in mind that things like honesty and integrity are important for any city council member. We can not afford to elect someone who can’t even be truthful on a disclosure form. Let’s be wise enough to see through the political game playing.
Linda Taylor