Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Planning Commission to Talk Dianne Drive Realignment

David Fransen|

A proposed road realignment may ease the flow of traffic near the Turlock Auto Plaza, while preparing for an expanded Fulkerth Road/Highway 99 interchange in the coming years.

The new, realigned Dianne Drive would connect directly to Auto Mall Drive. The roads are currently offset by roughly 100 feet, both dead-ending into Fulkerth Road.

The new road segment would be 76 feet in width, with a bike lane. A portion of the existing Dianne Drive would be abandoned just south of Fulkerth Road.

The change is part of a City of Turlock plan to expand the Highway 99/Fulkerth Road interchange. To create room for the larger interchange, and a new signalized intersection at Fulkerth Road and Dianne Drive, Turlock needs the land Dianne Drive currently sits on.

The Turlock Planning Commission will consider approving the roadwork at its Thursday meeting.

The Turlock City Council approved the purchase of land needed for the realignment for $247,660 at its Sept. 24 meeting.

On Thursday, the Turlock Planning Commission is also expected to:
• Conduct a workshop on potential amendments to the City of Turlock's sign regulations. The discussion on Thursday is expected to focus on temporary signs and human sign twirlers.
• Hold a workshop on potential amendments to Turlock's zoning regulations. The workshop will discuss issues such as electrified fences, accessory structures, drive-through facilities, and the Downtown Turlock zoning overlay.
• Hear a staff update on Turlock's Capital Facilities Fee program, which charges developers a share of the cost to build city infrastructure. An update is also expected on regional housing needs, including discussion of new housing subdivisions in Turlock.

The Turlock Planning Commission will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday in the Yosemite Room of Turlock City Hall, 156 S. Broadway.

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