Turlock City News

Turlock City News

New Sutter Health Turlock Care Center to Open in Coming Weeks

Brandon McMillan/TurlockCityNews.com

Construction at the new Sutter Health Turlock Care Center is nearing completion, with the building set to open Aug. 18 at 3100 W. Christoffersen Parkway.

A ribbon cutting will be held on Aug. 12 at 5:30 p.m., before the new center officially opens.

The new location will replace the Turlock Care Center at 1015 E. Main St. that will discontinue its services in August, according to SutterGould.org. Providers and services currently offered at the old Turlock Care Center will move to the new patient care center when it opens.

“I’m pleased that we are able to construct a new care center for the residents of Turlock and the surrounding communities,” said Paul DeChant, CEO of Sutter Gould Medical Foundation. “Providing outpatient and physician services close to home helps foster healthy communities. This facility will allow us to treat today’s community as well as accommodate future growth.”

Ample parking will be available at the 37,000 square-foot building that will accommodate 25 to 30 physicians. DeChant mentioned Sutter Gould has planned for future growth by setting aside two acres that will remain undeveloped for now.

At the facility, physicians and staff will offer urgent care daily and during after hours, as well as family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, specialty care, radiology, and a laboratory.

The center’s location at the intersection of North Golden State Boulevard and West Christoffersen Parkway also means quick access to Highway 99.

But although the center is new, SGMF has a longer history with Turlock. SGMF began providing medical services to residents of Turlock with the affiliation of a seven-physician medical practice in 1996.

Sutter Health states it is responding to the implications of healthcare reform by expanding its network of physicians and clinics. Along with the new facility in Turlock and the purchase of Eaton Medical Plaza in Tracy, SGMF is continuing the development of plans for other new care centers in the region. 

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