Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Monte Vista Vet to Host Scoop’it & Loop’it Ice Cream Social Doggy Walk


There are some events that are simply too perfect to resist.

The community oriented veterinarians from Monte Vista’s Small Animal Hospital are at it again with the Scoop’it & Loop’it Ice Cream Social Doggy Walk. As if free Cold Stone Creamery ice cream wasn’t enough of a reason to wag your tail in excitement, they’ve thrown in free slices of pizza for every human who safely walks their canine companion.

The Doggy Walk is scheduled for Thursday, July 17 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Crane Park, 1555 E. Canal in Turlock. Last summer the event drew more than 100 dog owners and their doggies of all shapes and sizes.

The physical and psychological health benefits of walking your dog are numerous, including weight control, improved digestive function, and reduced destructive behavior/ hyperactivity. It promotes bonding and trust development between the dog and its owner.

On top of that, walking also improves the owner’s health – well, minus the ice cream and pizza.

For more information visit www.MonteVistaVet.com or visit them on Facebook

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