Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Four Suspects with AR Rifle Rob Victim at Gunpoint


Turlock police are looking for four Hispanic males who allegedly robbed a victim at gunpoint with an AR rifle on Christmas Eve.

Authorities received report of the armed robbery, which occurred on the 2200 block of Royal Wood Lane, at approximately 5:20 p.m.

According to Turlock Police Department, the victim was approached by four Hispanic adult males on the street, who were armed with an AR rifle.

The suspects rummaged through the victim’s pockets and stole a set of car keys, a remote control car and other miscellaneous items, reports the Turlock Police Department.

Babette Gamel, whose children are friends with the victim, said the victim was grabbing something out of her daughter’s car when the victim was robbed. The citizen said she moved the car to a secure location and is having the car rechipped with a new alarm.

Gamel added that the suspects were four Hispanic males in their late teens or early 20s and were driving a grey car.

According to authorities, one of the suspects may be named “Carlos.”

The robbery is under investigation by the Turlock Police Department.

Anyone with information on the robbery can call the Turlock Police Department at 209-668-5550.

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