Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Fifth Harmony Packs the Stanislaus County Fair with Screaming Fans

Noel Daniel/TurlockCityNews.com

July 16’s Fifth Harmony concert at the Stanislaus County Fair was beyond packed, with crowds of eager fans spilling into the isles and clogging the exits. According to a Fair employee, girls had been lined up since 3 a.m.— before the Fair even opened—in order to get a good spot.

The band began with their hit “Better Together,” following with “One Wish” and “Tellin’ Me.” Then the quintet told the audience to get their phones out for “Fifth Harmony Truth or Dare,” instructing them to tweet either truths or dares using the hashtag “#5HTruthorDare.” Among the questions they received were about their favorite roller coasters and breakfast cereals.

The girls also requested that the audience pull out their phones and turn on their flashlights to emulate a starry sky for their song “Who Are You.” Audience members kept their phones out to continue the experience during Fifth Harmony’s cover of Disclosure’s “Latch.”

After singing “Leave My Heart Out of This” and their cover of Destiny's Child’s “Independent Woman,” the quintet brought up an audience member named Brian in order to serenade him with “All of Me.” They followed this with “selfie time,” wherein they asked the audience to take out their phones and take a selfie with the band.

The quintet performed “Rude” before starting up a “friendly competition.” They split the audience in two, with the left half cheering for Ally Brooke Hernandez, Normani Hamilton and Lauren Jauregui while the other half cheered for Dinah Jane Hansen and Camila Cabello. They never actually announced a winner, implying we were all winners in the end.

After attempting to leave the stage following their performance of “Don’t Wanna Dance Alone,” the band was summoned for an encore with cries of “more” and “más.” They finished strong with their hits “Miss Movin’ On” and a new song, “Boss,” which had reached four million views as of that day.

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