“Epic” Ethan Millerick, 13, is truly a heart-warrior.
Early Tuesday Millerick, a Turlock Junior High Student, had his sixth open-heart surgery and fourth in five years, this time to replace his mitral and aortic valves with mechanical “super” valves.
Following the lengthy procedure his mother, Ciara Walsh Millerick posted on his Facebook support page, Epic Ethan & His Super Valves.
“Guess who just rolled out the OR and into the CVICU [cardiovascular intensive care unit] like a boss? Epic Ethan. He owned it. Heart Warrior.”
Within 24 hours, Millerick was breathing on his own with some help from a nasal cannula and “loudly demanding water and frozen yogurt immediately.”
By Thursday morning the champion had already moved out of CVICU to a stable care room.
His mother posted, “Who recovers this fast from a double valve replacement and open heart surgery #6? This dude!”
Millerick is expected to spend several weeks in recovery; however, given his pattern of strength, he probably won’t follow those expectations.
He was born with congenital heart disease and was not expected to live past his first birthday.
Clearly Millerick doesn’t care about what he is expected to do. Well wishes for a speedy recovery Epic Ethan.