Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Earth Day Coming Tomorrow

Some rights reserved by Cheryl|

Earth Day is all about committing some time and effort to acknowledge the planet and its resources by taking steps to help the environment.

Earth Day will be here tomorrow, so if you do want to observe the day even in some small way, it's time to plan now.

According to the Earth Day network's website, the possibilities for Earth Day activities are endless. And those activities don’t have to be limited to April 22.

A few of the network’s ideas include: volunteering, going to a festival, installing solar panels, organizing an event in your community, planting a community garden, or communicating priorities to elected representatives.

Earth Day celebrations can be big or small and, like they say, can be as simple as changing a habit.

In California's drought, tips to conserve water have been thrown at the public left and right, but some of the ideas may seem daunting. What about changing small habits like turning off the faucet while scrubbing dishes or brushing teeth? Or using half-empty water bottles for plant water instead of pouring it down the drain? Better yet, use a reusable water bottle. These little things add up so if you are already doing them, get creative and think of more.

What are your plans for Earth Day? TurlockCityNews.com wants to know!

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