A dog-gone good time was had by more than 100 dogs and dog-owners during last Thursday evening’s first “Scoop’it & Loop’it Ice Cream Social Doggy Walk,” held at Crane Park’s walking loop.
The first-of-its-kind doggy walk was sponsored by Monte Vista Small Animal Hospital and Community Veterinary Clinic. Cold Stone Creamery chipped in with some tasty ice cream and MVSAH Veterinarian Rob Santos passed out 120 ice creams to eager dog owners who had the delightful opportunity to spend time with their dogs and get a tasty reward for their efforts. Dog walkers also received free pedometers.
The idea behind the doggy walk was to give Turlock residents a chance to socialize with other dog owners and to share in a fun experience.
“Scoop’it & Loop’it promotes walking your dog and the health benefits your pet will get from it,” said Santos. “And on the other hand, we just wanted to promote community and a chance for pets and pet owners to socialize. It was fun.”
Dog-owners also enjoyed the event. Mary Lukins-Frietas commented on Facebook, “Loved it! So did Chloe my labradoodle. She ate my ice cream lol.”
Carrie Dugovic posted, “Thank you, it was a lovely evening in the park, meeting old and finding new friends, both 2 and 4 footed.”
As of today, the event related postings have received over 250 likes on the Monte Vista Small Animal Hospital Facebook page.
The ice cream social doggy walk was initially planned for Thursdays through July but due to the success and outpouring of support on Facebook, it may continue through August.
While the next walk is scheduled to take place at 7 p.m. Thursday at Crane Park, there are plans to move the event to various Turlock parks in future weeks.
To find the next ice cream doggy social, stay updated on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/MonteVistaVet or visit www.MonteVistaVet.com.