Turlock City News

Turlock City News

CSU Stanislaus Career Fair on Wednesday


The job market can be a tough place for newly graduated college students. But with all the uncertainty that surrounds graduating college students, one thing is certain – the California State University, Stanislaus Career Fair can offer a helping hand.

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 6, the CSU Stanislaus Career Fair will take place on campus. The annual one day event allows students to meet and talk with employers about full-time, professional level positions with their organizations. The event will also feature information on internships and summer employment.

The Career Fair is open to all CSU Stanislaus students regardless of class standing. The event is also open to CSU Stanislaus alumni and students students or alumni of other CSU campuses.

Students are encouraged to dress professionally and to bring resumes, as they will have the opportunity to meet recruiting representatives from local and regional employers. Some employers may conduct on-site interviews. Students will also have the opportunity to receive a free resume critique at the event.

Admission is free for students.

The Career Fair will be held in the Mary Stuart Rogers building lobby and Room 130. For more information, contact the Career Services at CSU Stanislaus at 209-667-3661.

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