Turlock City Council will have the opportunity at tonight’s Council Meeting to take the next step for the new skate park that is expected to be built at Donnelly Park in the coming months.
Council will consider approving an agreement between the City of Turlock and Wormhoudt Inc., of Santa Cruz, for skate park design services in an amount of $28,800.
The Brandon Koch Memorial Skate Park, currently located at 250 Starr Ave., is moving to Donnelly Park to allow for the sale of the land, which includes the War Memorial and old Turlock Police Station, to the Turlock Irrigation District. The sale of the property and lease agreement is also on Tuesday’s Turlock City Council agenda.
If all goes according to plan, the new skate park at Donnelly Park, which will remain the Brandon Koch Memorial Skate Park, will open in August.
The City of Turlock recently accepted bids from several companies before staff chose Wormhoudt Inc. At the time that the request for proposal (RFP) was out, City of Turlock Director of Development Services and City Engineer Mike Pitcock said the City of Turlock could choose the most qualified candidate, rather than the lowest responsible bidder.
The RFP issued by the City was strictly for professional skate park design services, although the awarded design firm will be charged with holding two community meetings to receive feedback from residents on proposed designs and creating 3-D color renderings of the design for said meetings. The dates of those community meetings are not yet set and will not be until after the design firm is selected.
Construction of the skate park, which will be put out to a bid once designs are complete with the lowest responsible bidder being awarded, is estimated to cost between $220,000 to $270,000, according to documents related to the RFP.
If approved on Tuesday, Wormhoudt will design the new skate elements, with input from the public forums, as well as design the park to include elements that will be moved from the existing skate park.
Existing features will consist mostly of rails, boxes, etc., with halfpipes and larger elements not being moved, as they were laid in place, Turlock Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Superintendent Erik Schulze previously said.
On Tuesday, Turlock City Council will also:
Receive staff updates on the RFP for marketing-tourism services for the City of Turlock and the winding down of the Chamber of Commerce’s contract with the City for those services.
Appoint a new member to the Planning Commission and Parks, Arts, and Recreation Commission (PARC), respectively.
Reaffirm or modify the recommendation from PARC for community grant funding for community events.
Consider approving a solid waste agreement between the City of Turlock and Stanislaus County.
Consider finalizing the sale of property to TID.
Turlock City Council will meet 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Yosemite Room of City Hall, 156 S. Broadway.