At Tuesday’s meeting, the Turlock City Council celebrated the success of CSU Stanislaus’ Men’s Golf team, heard the presentation of a new innovators competition by the Alliance Stanislaus Business Development Center, and listened to the suggestions of citizen Milt Trieweiler on water usage.
Mayor John Lazar recognized the success of the Men’s Golf Team of CSU Stanislaus Tuesday evening, following the invocation and pledge of allegiance. Members of the team and coaches gathered in front of Council for recognition of their achievement as 2014 California Collegiate Athletic Association Tournament Champions.
Kurt Clark, Program Director at Alliance Stanislaus Business Development Center (SBDC) briefly spoke to the Council about the launch of the program Stanislaus Innovation Challenge. According to Clark, the Alliance SBDC helps start and grow primarily small businesses. The challenge is like a blend of the television competitions “Shark Tank” and “American Idol,” according to Clark.
The Alliance is soliciting applications from community members with innovative and potentially marketable ideas for review in order to select five to seven competitors for each round, for a total of four rounds on the following dates:
Sept. 17 – Modesto, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Kirk Lindsey Center at 1020 10th Street, Suite 102
Oct. 8 – Oakdale, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Gene Bianchi Community Center at 110 S. 2nd Ave.
Oct. 29 – Patterson, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., The Hammon Senior Center at 1033 W. Palmas Ave.
Nov. 12 – Turlock, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Turlock Chamber Of Commerce at 115 S. Golden State Blvd.
A $2,500 cash prize (no questions asked, as Clark described) and $2,500 in professional support services will be awarded to the winner of the fifth, final round Dec. 10 with time and location yet to be announced. Following the final competition, the winner will have the chance to present their idea in front of the local Stanislaus/Merced Angels group for funding consideration and additionally will be entered into the Regional San Joaquin Entrepreneur’s Challenge in Stockton in February 2015 for a prize of $24,000.
Clark added that Turlockers James Brenda of JKB homes will be a judge on the Turlock panel.
Turlock resident Milt Trieweiler spoke before the Council in addressing the drought, water usage, and his own ideas for ways to conserve.
“I’m trying to be optimistic and positive about our water situation but at the same time I believe we need to be realistic because we are in the worst drought that the City of Turlock has seen since recordkeeping began,” Trieweiler began.
He went on to share that Walt Ward, Stanislaus County Water Resources Program Manager, has said that even if the area receives a rainy winter, the ground water issue will not go away.
Trieweiler, who provided copies of a document for Councilmembers, explained that from July 2013 to July 2014, he has cut water usage 56 percent at his house. This has not killed any of his trees.
His bill, however, only decreased six percent. Trieweiler discussed the idea of the City undertaking a tiered water rate system like other California cities use.
For Turlock, in his opinion, a three-tier system would be the way to go, with zero to 10,000 gallons, 10,001 to 20,000 gallons, and 21,001 gallons and above.
“I think we need to have more incentives to save water by the public,” said Trieweiler.
He also feels that the City should be careful in what industries are brought to Turlock. Admitting that industry is important, Trieweiler compared numbers with the state.
According to the research he found, Turlock’s industries use 18 percent of the City’s water, while the state’s industries use six percent and Modesto’s industries use 10 percent.
The Council approved the Consent calendar with a 5-0 vote, including:
- Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $2,750 (Fund 215) for City Project No. 11-48, "Intersection Improvements at Golden State Boulevard and Del's Lane," bringing the contract total to $371,074.
- Approving Contract Change Order No. 2 (Final) in the amount of $6,572.81 (Fund 305) for City Project No. 13-25B, "Public Safety Training Facility Utilities and Site Improvements," bringing the contract total to $119,624.58.
- Accepting improvements for City Project No. 13-25B, "Public Safety Training Facility Utilities and Site Improvements," and authorizing the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion.
- Approving Contract Change Order No. 1 (Final) in the amount of $1,493.69 (Fund 217) for City Project No. 13-48, "Roadway Widening at 1338 and 1344 East Avenue," bringing the contract total to $53,159.69
- Accepting improvements for City Project No. 13-48, "Roadway Widening at 1338 and 1344 East Avenue," and authorizing the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion.
- Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to enter into an agreement with the San Joaquin Valley Stormwater Quality Partnership for the purposes of coordinating cooperative public outreach and education objectives outlined in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit.
The Council also rejected the appeals of claims for damages filed by Donnell Eugene Bak, Natalie Uballe, and Fontana Wholesale Lumber. Bak filed two claims for injuries: one due to a pot hole and one due to raised cement. Uballe and Fontana Wholesale both filed claims for damages to their respective cars due to tree branches falling. The cost of damages for Uballe’s ’97 Honda Civic was estimated at $3,077.86 by Fin’s Customs and Classics of Turlock after a tree branch allegedly fell on her car at Crane Park. Jester Auto Works of Turlock estimated the cost of damages for the Fontana Wholesale Lumber 2000 Acura Four Door Sedan at $4,488.31 after a tree branch allegedly fell on the car at Yosemite Avenue.