Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Council Approves Emergency Golf Road Funds, Repairs to be Completed by End of Week

Brandon McMillan/TurlockCityNews.com

Turlock City Council approved more than $38,000 to fund emergency repairs on Golf Road that caused the road to be closed recently.

Repairs are expected to be completed by the end of the week, according to City of Turlock Director of Development Services and City Engineer Mike Pitcock, much sooner than the City was originally planning for.

The bid was awarded, as unanimously approved by Council on Tuesday, to Ross F. Carroll, Inc., of Oakdale, at $28,300. An additional $2,830 for construction contingency, and $7,000 for engineering, inspection, and materials testing was also approved by Council, for a total of $38,130. All of the money for the project are coming from Gas Tax funds.

City staff became aware of the damaged road on Feb. 13, when a property notified the City of Turlock. Staff checked the site and found that Golf Road was undermined when stormwater washed out the drain pipe on the northeast side of the embankment.

Ross F. Carroll, Inc. was charged with removing the failed drainage facilities, failed roadway and embankment, installing new drainage facilities and elements to deter future eroding, and laying new pavement. Pitcock said on Tuesday that most of the work has already been completed.

Staff originally placed cones and signs in the area, but they were stolen and the City elected to do a full closure between Greenway and East Glenwood avenues.

“What we were most concerned about is having to deal with the potential of someone doing 35, 40 miles per hour coming across there and if that roadway gives out, I don’t want them going over the embankment,” said Pitcock.

Due to the importance of the route for both emergency vehicles and the public, the repairs were deemed to be an emergency by City Manager Roy Wasden, allowing the City of Turlock to forego the standard bid process, which normally takes approximately two months before work begins.

In the case of emergencies, “Council, by a majority vote, may proceed at once to replace or repair any public facility without adopting plans, specifications, strain sheets, or working details or giving notice for bids to let contracts,” according to Turlock Municipal Code 2-9-06, if the repairs are necessary to avoid danger to life or property.

The City of Turlock received three bids, with Ross F. Carroll, Inc. being the lowest responsible bidder.

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