TO: Mayor and Council
FROM: Executive Team
DATE: September 16, 2008
RE: ACTIVITY UPDATE – WEEK OF September 6-12, 2008
· The City Manager hosted twenty people who attended the quarterly Educational Summit lunch meeting in City Hall on Wednesday. A subcommittee was formed to prepare a draft financing plan for the development of a proposed educational/vocational training facility in Turlock.
· The Assistant City Manager and the Technical Services Manager met with staff of the Winton Ireland insurance agency to discuss the City’s property and casualty insurance policy.
Economic Development/Redevelopment:
· No new items to report.
Housing Program Services:
· Staff is in the process of organizing a city-wide foreclosure prevention workshop through the No Homeowner Left Behind (NHLB) group. NHLB works with families facing foreclosure at any stage of the process. Counselors and bank modification specialists will be available to meet one-on-one with the affected families. The workshop is scheduled for October 22, 2008, from 6:00 p.m. to approximately 9:30 p.m., in the Yosemite Room and the Municipal Services break room.
Planning Division
· Representatives from the Turlock Pregnancy Center met with the predevelopment staff to discuss occupying the office space at 134 Regis Street #B. Staff provided feedback on the tenant improvement plans that were provided. The Building Division staff and Ernie Yoshino, the architect, discussed the requirements under the new codes and the timeline for building permit submittal and review. A business license and zoning certificate are also required. Mr. Yoshino will be submitting plans for review in the next few weeks.
· Sean McDaniel and Jose Fuentes met with the predevelopment staff to discuss opening a nightclub at 1320 W. Main Street. The property is zoned for commercial use which would allow a nightclub to operate after going through the conditional use permit process and also obtaining a dance hall permit. Staff also explained that because of the change in use from warehouse and retail uses to a nightclub a code analysis is required to assess and identify any conditions that need to be addressed to bring the building up to code. Mr. McDaniel and Mr. Fuentes also anticipate applying for an alcohol license through Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC). Staff explained that the number of licenses allowed in the census tract that the nightclub would operate has exceeded. Therefore ABC will require the applicants go through the Public Convenience & Necessity Process. Steve Williams with police services explained the process as well as the process to obtain a dance hall permit.
· The Deputy Director met with representatives from Turlock Christian School, Stanislaus County Planning Department, and LAFCO, to discuss the timing and process for an out-of-boundary service agreement. The out-of-boundary agreement is required by LAFCO to serve the high school proposed at the northwest corner of Quincy and Monte Vista. The project is located outside the City but within the City’s Sphere of Influence. In order to serve this area without annexing the property, LAFCO would have to approve an out-of-boundary service agreement to provide water and sewer to the site. The TMC requires the City enter into an agreement with the project sponsor. This agreement will ensure that the project is meeting all of the City’s requirements including utilities, transportation, and planning. Assuming that the County approves the project in October, Turlock Christian will submit an application to the Planning Division which will be brought to the Planning Commission and ultimately City Council for action.
· The Deputy Director met with representatives of Turlock Irrigation District, Police Services, Municipal Services Division, and the Engineering Division to discuss a request from TID to use the pedestrian mall located between the War Memorial and Turlock Irrigation District’s main office on Canal for temporary parking while their new parking structure is being built. A temporary use of land permit is required for this activity and will take about 2-3 weeks to process. Conditions will be established to ensure that driveway access meets City standards. Tests will need to be done to ensure that the concrete area can take the loads. The parking lot design will be review for compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. Temporary striping and driveway access will need to be removed. Insurance and restoration issues will need to be worked out during the planning process. The planning process will also identify any potential conflicts with activities that may be planned at the War Memorial and the construction of the interim police facility.
· The Deputy Director participated in the local government session of the Teen Leadership program. Approximately 20 teens from Turlock and Pitman high schools are participating in the program. Soraya Fregosi, who also serves on the Planning Commission, was the day chair for the event. The City Manager, Finance Director, Development Services Director, and Police Chief provided overviews of their careers in government, talked about job opportunities in their respective departments, and shared advice on how to prepare for jobs in those fields. After lunch, the Deputy Director gave the group an overview of planning in Turlock and discussed how Monte Vista Crossings came about. Tom Miller from Hall Equities Group also participated in the discussion providing the developer’s perspective on developing a project of this magnitude.
Capital Improvement Projects:
Projects in Construction
· Golden State and Tuolumne Road Signal: Union Pacific Railroad is searching for the work order that staff submitted. It is not sure at this time when the concrete panels will be delivered.
· Water Reservoirs and Pump Stations: The contractor finished pouring the pump station foundation at the Kilroy Road site.
· CNG Maintenance Facility: The floor has now been painted and the contractor is working on the punch list.
· Canal Drive Bike Path: Paving and striping have been completed. Contractor is waiting for the arrival of the street lights.
· CNG Slow Fill Station: Council awarded the bid on August 12th to Gas Equipment Systems of Rancho Cucamonga and is currently in the contract stage.
· Fire Station #1 Parking Lot: Contract stage.
· Fire Station #3 Gate: Construction will start soon.
· Fairgrounds Sidewalk: In the contract stage.
· Cold Weather Shelter: Staff is still working with the architect on the code analysis for the buildings at 437 S. Broadway and 400 B Street.
· Traffic Signal at Orange & South Avenue: The apparent low bidder is Pacific Excavation out of Elk Grove, Ca.
· Demolition of Existing Structures: The apparent low bidder was WC Maloney Inc of Stockton, CA and will go to council for approval on October 14th.
· Interim Police Evidence Facility: In the contract stage.
· Commercial Water Meters: Ready to go out to bid. The engineer’s estimate is $1.8 million.
Projects in Design
· West Main Street and Fransil Signal: Working on acquiring right of way.
· Colorado and Monte Vista Signal Interconnect: Waiting on FTIP amendment.
· Columbia Park Renovations: The architect should be getting plan check comments back from building department.
· Westside Industrial Specific Plan
· City Hall Projects: These projects include Fire Administration, repair of the sewer line in Engineering, repair of the balcony and City Hall HVAC.
· Antenna at Fire Station No. 1: Out to bid next week.
· Water Line Replacement: Surveying has been completed.
· Sewer Line Replacement: Surveying is ongoing.
· Trench Repair 08/09: Locations have been located and design is in progress.
· The new 29 foot bus has been delivered. Two-way radios are now being installed.
· The new route changes went into effect on September 2nd. Staff has heard no complaints as of yet.
· Staff is working with IT on website modifications.
· Working on giving passengers other options to purchase bus tickets other than just at city hall.
Building & Safety
· Among the 18 building permits applied for this week:
ü 954 / 956 Angelus St – New duplex
· Total of 26 building permits issued this week.
Land Development:
Active Submittals in process
√ – 14 – Improvement Plans
√ – 8 – Parcel Maps
√ – 16 – Subdivision Maps
√ – 2 – Lot Line Adjustments
√ – 4 – Road Dedications / Public Utility Easements
√ – 1 – Abandonment
√ – 13 – Approved Plans waiting for permits to be issued.
Permits Issued
· We have had an increased activity in permits this week. They include:
ü 2 – Grading Permits
ü 2 – Encroachment Permits
Land Surveying
· The survey crew continues with the topography for City Project #0847 – Sewer Line Replacement FY 08-09.
· The crew measured the height of the Radio Tower at the Police Station. The information will be utilized for the design of the tower at the new Public Safety Facility.
Public Works Inspectors
· Recently issued permits include TID parking structure, (333 E. Canal.).
Public Facilities Maintenance Division:
· Staff presented a draft of the Operational Comprehensive Plan, Operational Rules, and Facility Rules for the proposed BMX Bike Park to the Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Commission for their input and approval on Sept. 10, 2008. Once the Commission reviews and approves the draft plan and rules, staff will forward the drafts to the Police Chief and City Attorney for their review. After staff receives their input and approval we will then bring the Operational Comprehensive Plan, Operational Rules, and Facility Rules back to the Council for their review and approval.
· Sunnyview Park – The new park identification sign will be delivered on September 19th and placed at the park. The gates and dogipot stations have been installed at the Dog Park. Animal Control and the Turlock Journal are sponsoring a grand opening event on Sept. 27th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Bring your dogs out and enjoy a great day of fun!
· Central Park – Staff have completed the concrete work at the park in preparation for the new “Christmas Tree” and statue of John Mitchell. Donations for the new Christmas Tree are going well. The City has received 27 of the 50 donations needed. There are still spots available on the plaque for a $100.00 donation. For more information contact Carla McLaughlin at ext. 4409 or
· Donnelly Park – The east side of the restrooms at the park suffered major graffiti. A Police report was filed. Staff also had to sand blast concrete stones and two concrete benches near the wood play structure due to graffiti. A large limb fell at the park and had to be cut up and removed.
· Pedretti Sports Complex – Painted and prepared fields for games, worked on scoreboards, changed fuses and light bulbs, trimmed dead wood out of trees, stump grinded 1 stump, changed fan in ladies restroom, and removed graffiti from 2 tables and a sign in the picnic area.
· Turlock Regional Sports Complex – Painted fields, set goals, staked trees, repaired irrigation and general maintenance. Crews edged valve boxes, raked soft fall under swings and set trash cans with liners.
· Crews painted in Zone 3 per Engineering Work Orders.
· On Tuesday, Sept. 9th, the patch truck crew skin-patched one area on Colorado where a trip and fall apparently took place. The patch truck did not run last week. The patch truck crew has been working on other assignments.
· Cleaned, painted and removed graffiti in 4 miscellaneous locations around Turlock.
· Removed 56 yard signs from miscellaneous locations around Turlock.
Recreation Division:
· Staff attended a Cal Fest training in Sacramento. Main topic of the training was “Bringing in the Bucks, Things you should know that affect your Events Bottom Line”. Cal Fest is a professional Festivals and Event Association.
· Staff presented a presentation to the Managers Group on Afterschool Programs and the positive effects that the program has on youth in the City of Turlock.
· Parks, Recreation and Community Commission held their monthly meeting. Topics included: development of a Teen Center, and BMX Bike Park Rules.
· Staff attended monthly CVB Meeting. Discussion was held on Electronic Kiosk, Treasures of Turlock Photo Contest, and CVB Website.
· Teens in Action Leadership Class held their second meeting which focused on “Government and Economics”. Participants met with local City and Government Officials, acquired information on Municipal Government careers and positions. Met with Mr. Tom Miller, VP Design and Construction, Hall Equities Group, and toured the new Marriott Hotel at Countryside. Thank you to everyone who took time from their busy schedules to educate and mentor Teens in the program. Special Thanks to Soraya Fregosi who organized the events of the day.
· Staff worked on developing and sending contribution/donations request letters as part of the People, Programs and Partnership effort. Last year over $1,800 in donations was received. Monies went to scholarships, youth and art programs.
· The Senior Softball Association hosted an eighteen team tournament at Pedretti Park September 6 and 7. This is the fourth Senior Softball tournament played at Pedretti Park this year.
· Fall league youth baseball, sponsored by Turlock Poker Room, started their program on Monday, September 8. This program is for youth wanting to play baseball year round. The fall league program will play for seven weeks with games being played Monday through Wednesday. All games are played at Pedretti Park.
· Two art classes have begun for the month of September. Out of the Past is a class for elementary age children that uses ancient civilizations and archeological artifacts as inspiration for a variety of projects in clay, paper mache and plaster casting. 7 children ages 8-11 are enrolled.
· Pre-School Mania is a class that explores different themes each week through art, music, stories and games. Building fundamental skills like hand-eye coordination, color/object/shape identification, following instructions, and communication are emphasized, enhancing school-readiness. 12 children are enrolled this month, and most have a parent or care-giver participating in class with them.
· The reception for the new City Gallery exhibition, Along the Midway: Drawings by Don Hall, opened with a reception on the 9th. More than 50 people attended to celebrate the work of this talented Turlock artist, including many of his former and current students from Modesto Junior College. The exhibition will remain on view through October 29.
· Staff continues to attend design meetings with the architect for the Carnegie Arts Center. Cost estimates will be revised in September based on the detailed design that has progressed over the past few months. Currently the process is on track to submit the construction documents to the City Building Division for plan check and review in November.
Regulatory Affairs Division:
Industrial Wastewater
· We provided an estimate of wastewater and water fees to a start-up milk-processing industry. Their representative was very complimentary of the city’s efforts in the Westside Industrial Specific Plan area, and noted how well the City has managed its utility operations.
Turlock Groundwater Basin Management Association
· The Association adopted an update to its water balance study. Essentially, the report looks at the effects of changing (increasing) demands on the groundwater basin use over the next 30 years. Even with increased surface water use, there will be some significant declines in groundwater levels in the eastern portion of the basin, particularly during drought years. This will impact groundwater levels under Turlock (10-20 feet); however, not to a significant enough degree to lose wells. The report, however, does assume that the cities in the basin will use surface water to offset some of their demands on the groundwater basin – without surface water, groundwater levels will decline more significantly.
Current Groundwater Levels
· Static groundwater water levels under the City are at their lowest levels since 1988. The lower groundwater levels are the result of a combination of two years of below average rainfall, reduced TID irrigation deliveries, and increased agricultural pumping. Further, urban growth in Turlock has meant that the city’s groundwater use increased significantly from 1998-2008 (up 30%). Since the last drought, however, the City has modified wells to increase pumping depths to lessen the chances of wells being lost during periods of drought.
Water System Modifications
· In response to lower groundwater levels, City staff adjusted well operations and system water pressure to try to reduce water production. Even though the weather has been warmer this year compared to last year, these operational modifications have reduced water consumption by 1.7 million gallons per day – a savings of almost 5%. Further, we have received no customer complaints during this period.
Pesticide Monitoring Project
· We continue to work with a company representing multi-national chemical companies who would like to undertake a two-year storm water monitoring project in Turlock. The project would help determine whether pesticides applied to residences by certified pesticide applicators are ending up in the storm water system.
Utility Maintenance Division:
Fleet Maintenance
· Police -17 work requests
· Transit bus – 22 work requests
· Public Facilities – 12 work requests
· Utility Maintenance – 13 work requests (Electrical, Collections and Water)
· Building Dept. – 2 work requests
· Operations – 2 work requests
· PM’s Preventive Maintenance work requests – 22 which include, A’s, B’s, CHP’s, Mini’s, etc.
Water System Projects
· Upgraded the water service for the Welcome to Turlock Island
· Repaired the fire hydrant 233 Bothun, 75 Bothun, On Tuolumne at Perdition Park
· Read commercial meters, total of 1622
· Started the demolition of the fence and the building at Well #9
· Moved and upgraded the water service at 901 and 903 High St
Sewer and Storm System Projects
· Repaired the sewer service at 1049 Mitchell
· Replaced the #1 catch basin at 1109 Lander with a #2 catch basin
· Cleaned the septic tank at Pedretti Park
· Cleaned 501 ft of existing sewer line, Spruce and Castor
· Cleaned 8798 ft. of existing sewer lines, monthly runs
· Cleaned 1 sewer lift station
· Televised 862 ft of existing sewer main Grid D-5
· Cleaned 16 catch basins and one tin horn
Miscellaneous and Special Projects
· Water meter project complaint calls
· Potholed the irrigation lines on West Main for the Engineering Division.
· This is the summary for this week’s projects, along with the normal USA’S, well pump and sewer pump maint, city bacti samples, water complaints & employee training hours.
Electrical/Mechanical Projects
· Replaced the 400 amp breaker at Well 27.
· Repaired the mechanical seal at Well 39. Placed well back in service.
· Repair wiring for exhaust fan at the War Memorial.
· Replaced the gas regulator for gas booster #2. Repaired water leak in gas mixer room.
· Installed Christy box and 1 inch conduit for Christmas tree and statue at Central Park.
· Replaced the limit switches for the Amiad SAF-6000 filter at Summerfaire Storm Pond.
· Installed rebuilt 3 hp pump at Sewer 49. Both pumps now rebuilt.
· Installed pump panel at Storm 31 for new 15 hp Flygt pump.
· Completed weekly sewer lift checks. Pulled pumps at sewer 9, 54, 61.
· Completed USA’s and street light work orders.
· Completed weekly WQC cleaning and calibrations. Replaced the LCD screen for the SC-100 meter for Ph at Flume 1&2.
Water Quality Control Division:
· The Regional Water Quality Control Facility achieved Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Total Suspended Solids removal efficiencies of 99% as well as daily effluent Turbidities of 2 NTU or less.
· On Wednesday, September 3, 2008 staff collected the required weekly R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 samples. Staff also collected the Quarterly Biosolids samples on this date. On Monday, September 8, 2008 staff collected the Acute Bioassay samples.
· The Operations staff continued with the Facility Building Clean-up Project and completion of weekly MP2 (preventive maintenance) work assignments. Staff continued working on numerous paint projects throughout the facility.
· Staff cleaned the remaining winter and all summer drying beds as needed to prepare for the Yearly Biosolids removal from the Facility. Staff continued adding water, tilling windrows and taking the necessary temperature readings required for the compost operation.
· The Contractor for the Fuel Cell Project continued installing major pieces of equipment on the fuel cell pad.
· The WQC Facility has encountered 264 days without a lost time accident.
Operations Division:
· Fire Services responded to 92 calls for service for the week of 9/5 through 9/11.
ü EMS Calls – 58 *
ü Fire Alarm Sounding – 5
ü Canceled – 4
ü MVA’S – 4
ü Dumpster Fires – 3
ü Checkouts – 4
ü Good Intents Calls – 3
ü Public Service Calls – 4
ü Heat Detector alarms – 2
ü Smoke Detector – 2
ü No Patient – 1
ü No Incident – 1
ü Brush fire – 1
ü Gasoline spill – 1
ü Steam instead of smoke – 1
*Fire, Police, and AMR did respond to a 7 month old drowning victim in the bathtub at home. P.D. may have more information regarding this incident.
Training Division:
· Engine companies trained with their probationary Firefighters, who will be taking their 4 month test in early October.
Prevention Division:
· We are currently reviewing the plan for a large commercial warehouse.
Administration Division:
· We have completed 6 of 7 background reports for new Firefighters this past week.
Service Demands:
Calls for Service 2254
Criminal Investigations 262
Arrests 107
Staffing Levels:
Sworn Personnel- 86
Deployed 77 (8 Officers: Field Training, 2 Officers: Police Academy).
Vacancies 2
Non-Sworn Personnel- 46
Deployed 42
Vacancies 4
Special Operations Division:
· Investigators continue to be busy with active cases. Several of the Investigators were attending schools this week. Two of the newly hired officers spent two days with Investigators as part of their orientation.
Neighborhood Services
· Staff continues to be busy with abatement related issues. Several issues involve abandoned or vacant homes and businesses. Most issues related to homeless subjects accessing these vacant structures and alley ways. We also continue to be involved with assisting the building department with inspecting properties suspected of having illegal construction completed on the property.
Animal Services
· Animal services staff responded to 68 calls for service. The numbers of impounded cats and dogs have decreased a bit over the last few months; 44 cats and 30 dogs were impounded this week. Four dogs were adopted and six others were returned to their owners this week.
Field Operations Division:
Traffic Safety
· The Traffic Unit adjusted its schedule this week in order to work speed enforcement on Taylor Rd. which resulted in several citations and warnings.
· One of the Traffic Officers gave a Traffic Safety presentation to the Crane School after-school program.
· The Traffic Safety Trailers were placed at Fire Station 3 to warn of fire trucks while construction is completed there. On Springer as well, warning of speed and taking a speed survey (in response to a Problem Oriented Police project being worked by patrol).
Significant Events and Trends:
· Pursuit – An officer returning from jail had a vehicle pass him on Hwy 99 at speeds in excess of 100 MPH. He attempted to stop the vehicle, which failed to yield to his emergency lights/siren and a short pursuit ensued. The officer broke off the pursuit at Hwy 99 & Lander when he lost sight of the vehicle.
· Problem Oriented Policing Projects – Officers are currently working projects in the areas of Springer, Kay Circle, and Wakefield School, in response to community requests about ongoing problems in those areas.
Support Operations Division:
New Public Safety Facility Update:
· Staff met this week to review the report for City Council regarding the preferred site plan and elevations for the New Public Safety Facility. Staff had intended to submit the report for the upcoming City Council Meeting on September 23, 2008. However, Staff has learned that there will not be a full Council at the next meeting. Therefore, Staff has requested the item be held until the meeting on October 14, 2008.