TO: Mayor and Council
FROM: Executive Team
DATE: September 13, 2008
RE: ACTIVITY UPDATE – WEEK OF August 30- September 5, 2008
Economic Development/Redevelopment:
· City Manager and Economic/Redevelopment Manager met with the President and Executive Director of the Downtown Property Owner’s Association.
Housing Program Services:
· The Affordable Housing Development Corporation (AHDC), has submitted an application to the California Redevelopment Association for the 2009 Awards of Excellence for their Crane Terrace Senior Affordable Housing Development. The entry is submitted under the Residential Development – New Construction category. The development on E. Canal is a great asset to the City of Turlock and provides affordable housing for 44 low income seniors. Award winners are expected to be announced late October.
Planning Division:
· Mr. Jose Virgen, Mr. Benito Perez and Mr. Ignaio Ochoa met with predevelopment staff to discuss filing a Conditional Use Permit to operate an outdoor dining facility and mobile food facility type of business at this location. As the use would be considered permanent, and would not qualify under the Mobile Food Vendor Permit, all public improvements and site improvements would need to be made to the property. In addition, fire regulations do not allow canopies to be constructed on a site for more than 6 months at a time so a permanent patio area would need to be constructed. As the site is located on a single parcel with two other businesses – Neto’s and Premium Car Sales- conditions would be applicable to the entire property, not just the portion to be used for the outdoor dining facility. The applicants requested a review of requirements associated with the mobile food vendor permit. Staff offered to visit the site and review those requirements to ensure an understanding of the corrective action required to come into compliance. Later this week, staff learned from the County Environmental Resources division that the gentlemen are no longer interested in operating a mobile food vending business and may be looking into establishing a restaurant in town.
· Mr. Tony and Mr. Matthew Bruno met with pre-development staff to discuss the requirements for development of the property at 1725 W. Glenwood (the property adjacent to their existing business Turlock Dairy Refrigeration (TDR)). A Minor Discretionary Permit would be required from the Planning Department to ensure the development was in compliance with all of the Industrial standards and the Westside Industrial Specific Plan. Off site improvements including but not limited to, the right of way dedications along Walnut and Glenwood, the extension of the sewer line would and the installation of curb gutter and sidewalk would all be required.
· Mr. Tony and Matthew Bruno met with pre-development staff regarding developing the property at 1812 & 1828 Divanian Drive with four commercial buildings. A Minor Discretionary Permit was issued in 2005 for a design review for a similar project but has expired. Divanian Drive would be abandoned and would be used for part of the project site. Various off-site improvements including a median along Golden State will be required. The project will need a new Minor Discretionary Permit and will be subject to a new project review.
· The predevelopment team met with Mr. Anatoliy Tsysubal who was interested in opening a winery at 3232 Liberty Square Parkway. The winery was proposed as a relatively small seasonal wine making operation (no on site sales). Staff communicated concerns regarding the feasibility of the use at this location. The primary comments were related to the necessity of a code analysis for a change in use on the building. Another significant issue is that the site may not be appropriate for what is known as a “wet industrial use” which requires significant upgrades to handle the wastewater discharge produced on site. Staff has scheduled another predevelopment with the applicant and property manager review the comments again.
· Representatives fro the Turlock Pregnancy Center meet with the predevelopment staff to discuss occupying the office space at 134 Regis Street #B. Staff provided feedback on the tenant improvement plans that were provided. The building staff and Ernie Yoshino, the architect, discussed the requirements under the new codes and the timeline for building permit submittal and review. A business license and zoning certificate are also required. Mr. Yoshino will be submitting plans for review in the next few weeks.
Capital Improvement Projects
Projects in Construction
· Golden State and Tuolumne Road Signal: Union Pacific Railroad is searching for the work order that staff submitted. It is not sure at this time when the concrete panels will be delivered.
· Water Reservoirs and Pump Stations: The contractor finished pouring the pump station foundation at the Kilroy Road site.
· CNG Maintenance Facility: The contractor is installing floor materials and working on the punch list.
· Canal Drive Bike Path: Paving and striping have been completed. Contractor is waiting for the arrival of the street lights.
· CNG Slow Fill Station: Council awarded the bid on August 12th to Gas Equipment Systems of Rancho Cucamonga and is currently in the contract stage.
· Fire Station #1 Parking Lot: Contract stage.
· Fire Station #3 Gate: Construction will start soon.
· Cold Weather Shelter: The City Manager has directed staff to get a code analysis for the buildings at 437 S. Broadway and 400 B Street.
· Traffic Signal at Orange & South Avenue: The apparent low bidder is Pacific Excavation out of Elk Grove, Ca.
· Demolition of Existing Structures: Bids will open on September 11th. The locations are 609 High Street (removing for Columbia Park expansion) and 1079 N. Olive Avenue (removing for street widening between Wayside Drive and Starr Avenue).
· Interim Police Evidence Facility: Bids were opened on August 28th. The apparent low bidder was Harris Builders of Hilmar, Ca.
· Commercial Water Meters: Ready to go out to bid. The engineer’s estimate is $1.8 million.
Projects in Design
· West Main Street and Fransil Signal: Working on acquiring right of way.
· Colorado and Monte Vista Signal Interconnect: Waiting on FTIP amendment.
· Columbia Park Renovations: The architect should be getting plan check comments back from building department.
· Westside Industrial Specific Plan
· City Hall Projects: These projects include Fire Administration, repair of the sewer line in Engineering, repair of the balcony and City Hall HVAC.
· Antenna at Fire Station No. 1: Out to bid next week.
· Water Line Replacement: Surveying has been completed.
· Sewer Line Replacement: Surveying is ongoing.
· Trench Repair 08/09: Locations have been located and design is in progress.
· The new 29 foot bus has been delivered. Two-way radios are now being installed.
· The new route changes went into effect on September 2nd. Staff has heard no complaints as of yet.
· Staff is working with IT on website modifications.
· Working on giving passengers other options to purchase bus tickets other than just at city hall.
Building & Safety:
· Among the 61 building permits applied for this week:
ü 134 Regis St., Ste B – Tenant improvement for “Turlock Pregnancy Center”
ü 3025 N Tegner Rd – New 5700 sq. ft. retail shell building
ü 537 Fransil Ln – New warehouse facility for “US Cold Storage”
· Among the 48 building permits issued this week:
ü 3212 W Monte Vista Ave – Tenant improvement for “Country Club Dental”
ü 1301 Fulkerth Rd – New concrete plant for “Calaveras Materials”
ü 2007 W Tuolumne Rd – New community building for “Cottage Park” subdivision
Land Development:
· The Land Development team has been busy updating all forms associated with recently updated MSI charges and also revising the fill-able forms for the web site.
Active Submittals in Process:
√ – 19 – Improvement Plans
√ – 8 – Parcel Maps
√ – 16 – Subdivision Maps
√ – 2 – Lot Line Adjustments
√ – 4 – Road Dedications / Public Utility Easements
√ – 1 – Abandonment
√ – 14 – Approved Plans waiting for permits to be issued.
Permits Issued:
· We have had an increased activity in permits this week. They include:
2 – Grading Permits
7 – Encroachment Permits
5 – Utility Permits
Recorded Documents:
1 – Notice of Completion
1 – Lien Agreement
3 – Road Dedications
3 – Lot Line Adjustments
Land Surveying:
· The survey crew continues with the topography for City Project #0847 – Sewer Line Replacement FY 08-09.
· We have a new addition to our surveying team, Tristan Higgins. He begins work on September 5, 2008.
Public Works Inspectors:
· Recently issued permits include Calaveras Materials, (1301 Fulkerth Rd.), Sonshine Bible Club (901 High St.), and Party City and Dollar Tree (3085 N. Tegner).
Regulatory Affairs Division:
· Stormwater Ordinance: Staff has completed a draft of the city’s first “Stormwater Management and Urban Runoff Pollution Control” ordinance. This ordinance is required by state law to reduce pollution in the stormwater system. Because stormwater does not go through a treatment process, it can carry pollutants into the watershed. The state’s goal is: “only rain down the drain.” The ordinance will bolster the city’s current efforts to reduce stormwater pollution through education and, where necessary, enforcement.
· Industrial Wastewater: We are concluding negotiations with a local industry to accept a limited amount of highly treated wastewater on an interim basis. The wastewater will be trucked to the Turlock Regional Water Quality Control Facility, which is not our normal practice. Once negotiations are complete, the Agreement will be brought to the city council for consideration.
· Pollution Prevention Week: The Municipal Services department invites you to be a part of Pollution Prevention (P2) Week, by incorporating activities into your daily routine that reduce, reuse and recycle waste. P2 Week, September 21-27, 2008, is an opportunity for individuals, schools, communities and industries to show case or share ideas on how they reduce waste, are more efficient or reduce energy. P2 week will conclude P2 week with a community volunteer-based outreach program, in which participants will be stenciling neighborhood storm drains with the message “The Solution=No Pollution”. Informational materials will also be distributed to residents to educate the importance of pollution prevention. If you would like to participate in this fun and worth-while event, or would like more information on specific pollution prevention practices, call ext. 4474 or email
Recreation Division:
· Golf has been deemed a sport which teaches honesty, integrity and sportsmanship. Golf is also considered a life time sport, since it can be played at almost any age. Golf has also received a reputation for being a sport which is played by those who have financial means. Youth attending Cunningham, Osborn and Wakefield Elementary Schools will have the opportunity to participate in the 1st Tee Program during the week of Sept. 8-11. The program is sponsored by SCOE in conjunction with the Afterschool Program. Chris Mendes will be the golf coach. Chris is the Stanislaus County representative for the 1st Tee Program. The 1st Tee Program is an enrichment activity for youth who probably would not otherwise be exposed to the sport. The 1st Tee Program will be providing all equipment. The program will be provided to the participants at no cost.
· In addition to the 1st Tee program offered at the schools, the Division is also offering the “Sticks For Kids Golf Program. Children ages 5 to 12 can come out to the Turlock Regional Sports Complex and swing golf clubs for the first time. This program is designed for the individual who has never played golf but would like to try. Participants will hit golf balls from a golf mat into a net. Golf clubs will be available at the sight for use. All equipment was provided through a grant from the Sticks For Kids program.
· Staff assisted in the coordination of the successful Turlock Centennial Melon Carnival. The event was held at Stanislaus County Fair grounds on Monday, September 1, 2008. It was estimated that 5,000 to 10,000 people attended the event through out the day. In addition to assisting with the coordination of the overall event, staff provided safe, fun, and positive youth activities and games. Staff received several compliments on their professionalism and ability to lead games for parents and children.
· Staff met with a community member interested in promoting and developing a Girls 14 and under traveling Softball Team. Fall league softball will begin play on September 2, 2008. There are 70 teams registered to play in the fall this year. Last year there were 72 teams played in this same season. Fall league is an eight game league with the top three teams advancing to the playoffs. There are eleven different levels of competition for fall.
· Kidz Love Soccer is starting its fall session. This is a skill building program. Participants meet once a week and work on skills needed to advance to more competitive soccer programs. The summer session just completed its season with 107 participants. This program provides skill development, endurance and physical fitness.
· The popular Garden Party and the Greenery will take place on Saturday, September 20. Cost is $35.00 per ticket. Tickets will be sold at the door. If you are a member or purchase a membership in advance tickets will be sent to your home. Event will include live jazz, fine arts, hors d’oeuvres, wine, and silent auction.
· “Along the Midway”, pencil drawings by Don Hall opened September 3 at the Gallery at City Hall.
Public Facilities Maintenance Division:
· Donnelly Park – Five Purple Robe trees were vandalized and staff removed the stumps. Staff began trimming trees throughout the park.
· Summerfaire Park – Repaired broken picnic table and trimmed trees. The Dog Park is nearing completion and will be officially opened on Sept. 27th. Animal Control and the Turlock Journal will be sponsoring an opening day event from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Sept. 27th.
· Crane Park – Removed and replaced damaged tornado section in the modular playground equipment. Completed tree stump grinding in the park. Vandals broke the basketball hoop off the backboard. Staff will install new hoop as soon as it comes in.
· Crews spent 6 hours cleaning graffiti at Broadway Park, Columbia Park, Crane Park, Sunnyview Park, and Soderquist Park.
· Pedretti Sports Complex – Grinded down stump, put up hangers for power equipment in new building, welded lock on to gates on ball fields, leveled and worked on all ball fields, started to prune dead wood in trees, worked on tying up fences with wire ties, and painted over graffiti on table in the play area.
· Crews continue to do general maintenance, mowing, blowing, edging, weeding, irrigation repairs, cleaning, rake soft fall and playground safety inspections daily at all City Parks and ponds.
· Crews moved the bus shelter on Geer Rd. from Tuolumne to Minnesota and made changes to bus route per Engineering work order, made 19 changes to bus route per Engineering work order, and painted white stop/bars in Zone 3 using 20 gallons of paint.
· The patch truck ran for 4 days using 3 tons of hot mix to fill in potholes and a 1/2 ton of cold mix.
· Installed, replaced and removed 12 street signs throughout Turlock.
Public Calls
· Fire Department request absorbent for gasoline spill at Wayside and N. Olive, branch down in roadway on W. Main near Soderquist, branch in roadway on Alex Way, accident at Tully and Fulkerth. 3-4 buckets of sand requested.
Graffiti Abatement and Yard Sign Removals
· Cleaned, painted and removed graffiti at 11 miscellaneous locations and removed 56 yard signs from miscellaneous locations around Turlock.
Utility Maintenance:
Fleet Maintenance
· Diagnosed and repaired vehicles/equipment for the following divisions and departments:
· Police – 8 work requests
· Transit bus – 7 work requests
· Public Facilities – 11 work requests
· Utility Maintenance -12 work requests, (Electrical, Collections and Water)
· Fire Dept. – 6 work requests
· Engineering – 4 work requests
· PM’s Preventive Maintenance work requests -19 which include, A’s, B’s, CHP’s, mini’s, etc.
Water Conservation
· Gave out 20 level X’s
· Responded to 8 water leaks
· Set up 13 sprinkler timers
· Gave 7 first warning notices
· Recorded 146 street lights
Water System Projects
· Repaired the water service at 1244 Federation
· Installed one 2″ and two 1 ½” meters at 1000 Monte Vista
· Repaired the fire hydrant 700 Blk of S. Walnut, 1125 Parnell, 148 Elena Ct, 55 N Daubenberger, 225 Oleander and on the corner of Tegner & Ruble Rd
· Installed a water service for a City sampling station on Industrial Rowe
· Replaced the water meters, that were stolen, at 937 Park and 395 Flower
· Turned off 200 water services for delinquent accounts
· Replaced leaking 4″ water valve on Bristol Park Circle
Sewer and Storm System Projects
· Cleaned the catch basin 1125 W. Springer
· Prepped work to replace the #1 catch basin with a #2 at 1108 Lander
· Installed sewer clean out at 1329 Marshall
· Repaired sink hole at 1175 La Sombra
· Televised the sewer lateral at 1329 Marshall
· Cleaned 4349 ft of existing sewer main Grid D5,D6, F7, G7
· Cleaned 4 sewer lift stations
· Televised 1606 ft of existing sewer main Grid G7,D5 & D6
· Rodded, cut 1805 ft of roots and grease, existing sewer main Grid G7
· Televised the sewer lateral at 630 Crane
· Cleaned 11 storm lift stations
Miscellaneous and Special Projects
· Water meter project complaint calls
· Located the sewer services on West Main and Beech for the Engineering Dept, in preparation to abandon the easement line and transfer all services to W. Main St
· This is the summary for this week’s projects, along with the normal USA’S, well pump and sewer pump maint, city bacti samples, water complaints & employee training hours.
Electrical/Mechanical Projects
· Replaced the mechanical seal for evaporator #2 in the chlorine building.
· Replaced the 3rd stage temperature switch gage on the CNG compressor.
· Install conduit and outlet for fan installation at Well 37.
· Remove debris from check valves in Digester Control Building-2 sump.
· Reinstall flight on Flotator #2. Checked all bearings and fasteners on remaining flights.
· Filled the supply and return hot water lines for the new fuel cell.
· Completed weekly sewer lift checks.
· Completed weekly and monthly WQC calibrations.
· Completed USA’s and street light work orders.
· Ongoing SCADA System Management.
· Troubleshot automatic Failover of the host SCADA system from the TURVSA to the TURVSB system. System now operational on TURVSA host system.
· Troubleshot RTU 32 communication error. Changed cable.
· 22 daily reports for Operations and Laboratory.
· Tested, cleaned and calibrated 24 WQC analyzers – weekly duty by Andrew Mikkelsen.
TV Inspection Truck
· Installed new update of POSM Software to correct a bug that occurred on our system.
· TV Truck now operational.
· Worked with I.T. to be allowed to receive the required update.
· These updates are frequent and required.
· Converted Video Files from .WMV to .MPEG1 format to be useable on DVD players.
San Joaquin Conference / Training Room
· Modified the cabinet that houses the media presentation equipment and complete reorganization of signal wiring.
· Final signal and control wiring is in progress for the new Data Projector mounted in the new power lift mounted in the ceiling.
· Ordered additional cables for this projector.
Fuel Cell Photos
· Took weekly photos of Fuel Cell project.
· Several pieces of the Fuel Cell was placed with huge crane.
· Posted photos on P:/ drive.
· Took the required online course and successfully completed with required certificate which was sent to Tim Lohman at the Fire Department.
Water Quality Control Division:
· The Regional Water Quality Control Facility achieved Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Total Suspended Solids removal efficiencies of 99% as well as daily effluent Turbidities of 2 NTU or less.
· On Tuesday, August 26, 2008 staff collected Acid phase and Methane phase Anaerobic Digester gas samples. The samples were sent to an outside laboratory for Hydrogen Sulfide analysis. On Wednesday, August 27, 2008 staff collected the required weekly R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 samples.
· The Operations staff continued with the Facility Building Clean-up Project and completion of weekly MP2 (preventive maintenance) work assignments. Staff continued working on numerous paint projects throughout the facility.
· Staff cleaned one winter sludge drying bed and four summer sludge drying beds. Staff continued adding water, tilling windrows, and taking the necessary temperature readings required for the compost operation.
· On Wednesday, August 27, 2008, Hilmar Cheese began bringing thirty truck loads per day of treated effluent to our treatment Facility. The deliveries stopped on Friday, August 29, 2008.
· The Contractor for the Fuel Cell Project started installing major pieces of equipment on the fuel cell pad.
· The WQC Facility has encountered 257 days without a lost time accident.
· Fire Services responded to 94 calls for service for the week of 8/28 through 9/4.
ü EMS calls – 50
ü False alarms – 5
ü MVA’S – 5
ü No Patient contact – 4
ü Public Service calls – 4
ü Canceled Calls – 4
ü No incidents – 4
ü Fire others – 3
ü Smoke/check outs – 4
ü Water damage – 1
ü Gasoline leak – 1
ü Various other calls of non emergency type
· We started our annual SCBA fit testing and training program for line firefighters and reserves. We also started our annual physical fitness testing of all firefighters.
· We are working on a large commercial cold storage facility on Fransil Lane.
· The recruitment process for Fire Division Chief has begun. Applications will be accepted until September 30th. The Fire Division Chief Assessment Center will be conducted on Thursday, October 23, 2008. This vacancy is a result of Roger Dooley’s retirement.
Service Demands:
Calls for Service 2177
Criminal Investigations 244
Arrests 110
Staffing Levels:
Sworn Personnel- 86
Deployed 77 (8 Officers: Field Training, 2 Officers: Police Academy).
Vacancies 2
Non-Sworn Personnel- 46
Deployed 42
Vacancies 4
Special Operations Division:
· Investigators continue to be busy with active cases. Investigators responded to a residence in the 700 block of E. Minnesota to assist patrol in the possible drowning of an infant in a swimming pool. This investigation is in its preliminary stages and we have little information regarding the incident.
Neighborhood Services
· Staff continues to be busy with abatement related issues. Several issues involve abandoned or vacant homes and businesses. Most issues related to homeless subjects accessing these vacant structures and alley ways. We also continue to be involved with assisting the building department with inspecting properties suspected of having illegal construction completed on the property.
Animal Services
· Staff from animal services responded to 65 calls for service this week. The number of impounds for cats and dogs have decreased over the last few months. 32 cats and 26 dogs were impounded this week, with 14 dogs and 2 cats being adopted. Two dogs were returned to their owners.
Field Operations Division:
· The Traffic Unit worked Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and Driver’s License Enforcement on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with the following results:
· Friday – DUI Saturation patrols which resulted in 2 DUI arrests
· Saturday – DUI/License checkpoint was conducted on W. Monte Vista at Four Seasons. Nearly 600 vehicles came through with 550 being screened. No DUI arrests, 6 total license arrests and one other citation
· Sunday – Another Saturation patrol was conducted with no arrests
· Two members of the Traffic Unit assisted in traffic control for the Melon Festival, it was very quiet with no traffic activity to report.
· The entire Traffic Unit worked speed enforcement on Taylor Rd due to continued speed complaints.
· Assault on Officer Arrest – Officers responded to a report of two subjects drinking and creating a disturbance at Broadway Park. They located both subjects near a picnic table and the first subject was cooperative. When they woke the second subject, he began to resist and pulled a knife. Officers utilized a Taser to subdue the subject, who then was taken into custody without further incident.
· Commercial Robbery Attempt – A male subject entered the TCBY business on Geer Rd. armed with a handgun. The subject demanded money, but the employees fled out the back door and called the police. The subject was gone upon the officers arrival and no loss occurred.
· Death Investigation – Officers and Fire/Medical personnel responded to the 700 Block of E. Minnesota to a report of a 7 month old child who had drowned in the bathtub. Little details are available at the time of this report, but our Investigators were called to the scene and took over the investigation.
· Auto Theft Arrests – Although auto thefts continue to be a problem around the city, our officers were able to locate/recover several of them this week – usually within hours of their being stolen. Additionally, of those recovered at least 3 of them resulted in arrests.
Support Operations Division:
· The Public Meeting was held on September 3, 2008 regarding the new Public Safety Facility. Approximately 50 citizens attended the public meeting. Staff intends to present the information to the council on September 23, 2008 during the regularly scheduled council meeting.
Murder Suspect Arrested Within Hours of Crime Riding Bicycle
At about 12:54pm Tuesday, Turlock Police, Turlock Fire, and American Medical Response responded to an aggravated assault that had just occurred at the Turlock Chamber of Commerce in the 100 block of S. Golden State Boulevard.