Turlock City News

Turlock City News

City of Turlock Activity Update for the Week of May 23 – 29, 2009

This document is the City of Turlock Activity Update for the week of May 23 - 29, 2009. The activity update is meant to keep the Turlock City Council and all areas of the government organization on the same page. The community may also view the complete document here at TurlockCityNews.com as it was sent out by the City of Turlock.

TO:                 Mayor and Council
FROM:            Executive Team
DATE:             June 3, 2009
RE:                  ACTIVITY UPDATE – WEEK OF May 23-29, 2009

Economic Development/Redevelopment:
·         Director and Deputy Director of Development Services and Economic Development/Redevelopment Manager met with a development group that has purchased commercial property at Fulkerth and Dianne.
Planning Division:
·         On Tuesday, the Deputy Director gave a presentation on the General Plan Update to the Turlock Kiwanis Club. The group showed great interest in the General Plan update. Staff is available to provide presentation on the General Plan and Housing Element update to any group wishing to have a presentation. Simply call the Planning Division to request a presentation at (209) 668-5640.
·         On Wednesday, staff received an update on the analysis for the Housing Element. The consultant is now reporting that the City has adequate sites within the City to meeting the Regional Housing Needs Assessment target for the 2007-2014 planning period. No additional rezoning or annexation of land will be required. Staff is in the process of setting up a public meeting to discuss the proposed policies for the Housing Element. The target date for that meeting is June 18, but the meeting date and location have not been confirmed. The Housing Element is expected to move forward to the Planning Commission at a special meeting on July 16 and then to the City Council at their regular meeting on July 28.
·         On Thursday, the Deputy Director attended the StanCOG Technical Advisory Committee meeting. The City received allocation of Local Transportation Funds to support both street maintenance and transit operation needs. In addition, StanCOG is finalizing the guidelines that will be used to allocate funds for the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program. Approximately $12.7 million will be made available to the region over a two-year period (2010/11 and 2011/12) through this program. Under the proposed formula, Turlock would receive approximately $800,000 directly by formula and could compete for a competitive pot of money totaling approximately $12 million. It is staff’s understanding that the County of Stanislaus will apply for funding of the Golden State/Golf/Berkeley intersection improvements as part of this grant program.
Capital Improvement Projects:
Projects in Construction
·         Staff is reviewing bids that were opened for an annual agreement for architectural, engineering and geotechnical consultants.
·         Bids were opened for the IT Server Room Air Conditioning and the apparent low bidder is Champion Industrial out of Modesto for $37,090.00.
·         Advertising bids for consultants to design the improvements to City Hall which include the balcony repair, sewer line repair in Engineering and air conditioning improvements.
·         Columbia Park Renovations, Contract Amount $237,500:  Work is still continuing at the Marty Yerby Center and the PAL building. The concrete work for the play area as been completed.
Land Development Team:
·         The Senior Civil Engineer had a mandatory pre-submittal meeting for City Project #0767 – RFP’s-Various City Hall Improvements on May 22nd. Bids are due May 29th.
Survey Crew
·         Crews have staked at City Project #0920 – Removal of Canal Drive Median Trees, for Turlock Irrigation District pipeline, to try and avoid damage to the irrigation lines when the removal and grinding of the trees begins.
·         Work continues on the necessary right of way acquisition documents for City Project #0782 – Traffic signal at West Main and Fransil Lane.
Public Works Inspectors
·         Permits have been pulled and work has begun on the CVS Pharmacy on Geer Road and Monte Vista Avenue. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the building has been demolished. The median has been cut out in preparation for the new median.   Northbound Geer Road and Eastbound Monte Vista are down to one lane of traffic.
·         Staff met with Board members of the State Water Resources Control Board and Board members of the Central Valley Flood Protection Board. This impromptu meeting may prove to be beneficial to the City of Turlock relative to our involvement and percentage share in the Gomes Lake Joint Powers Authority. Secondly, there may be some improved ability to obtain a Water Reclamation Permit for the expanded use of recycled water in our area as well as our continued efforts in finding a large user of this recycled water.
Public Facilities Maintenance Division:
·         The City just received notice from the State that they are releasing the reimbursement funds for Proposition 40 2002 Bond Act Per Capita projects.  These fund reimbursements were frozen by the State on Dec. 17, 2008. We should be receiving checks for the following completed projects:
1.  Crane Park Restroom Renovation – $95,000.00
2.  Crane Park Tennis Courts – $14,986.36
3.  Columbia Park Fence Project – $110,000.00
·         Broadway Park – The Water Feature was very popular this week. On Thursday, May 28th there were approximately 200 children using the water feature and park. Many of the schools were having their end of the year party at the park.   
·         Columbia ParkThe park identification signs will be installed on Friday, May 29th. The Maintenance staff has been working hard to prepare the pool for the upcoming swim season. City crews will begin to install the new playground equipment in approximately two weeks.
·         Donnelly ParkThe park identification signs will be installed on Friday, May 29th. One sign is located at the main entrance on Pedras, and a two-sided sign on Hawkeye at Donnelly Park Drive.
·         Assessments – City crewshave been planting replacement shrubs and trees in areas where the plant material has died.
Operations Division:
We responded to 102 emergency calls in the past week.  Of those we had 3 structure fires and 64 EMS calls.  The 3 structure fires were:
·         2260 Mission Street, a single family dwelling attic fire that caused major damage to the house.  We estimated about $100,000 dollars in damage and the fire is still under investigation.  We had 1 minor burn injury to a Firefighter.
·         203 S. Golden State, The Red Steer Restaurant. A commercial building fire that caused major damage to the building.  Early reports estimated about $1,000,000.00 dollars in damage. No injuries to civilians or Firefighters. This fire is under investigation.
·         220 Angelus, a single family dwelling fire that was a room and contents fire.  We had an estimated $13,000 dollars in damage to the structure and contents.  There were 2 minor injuries to the occupants, both were transported to Emanuel Hospital for treatment and released.  This fire is under investigation.
We are reviewing the process for updating our current Emergency Operations Plan for the City this project involves working with Stanislaus County OES.
Training Division:
·         Firefighting crews worked on wild land firefighting, make up training, and a small wild land fire (live exercise) and were conducted. Crews were required to: size up the scene, pull hose lines, properly and safely use hand tools to completely stop, extinguish and then mop up the fire.
·         Additionally, the Turlock City Fire and Emergency Services Rescue Team held their monthly training session which consisted of the safe packing of a simulated injured person, raising and lowering the patient using ropes and specialized rescue equipment
Service Demands:               
Calls for Service                     2227
Criminal Investigations            226
Arrests                                                   92
Staffing Levels:
Sworn Personnel-                      86    
Deployed                                   82 (6 Officers: Field Training)
            Vacancies                       5
Non-Sworn Personnel                           46
Deployed                       44
Vacancies                        2
Special Operations Division:
Neighborhood Services
·         Staff assisted the Turlock Covenant Church cleaning up five (5) alleys in the area of High and Laurel Streets, which resulted in six (6) truck loads of trash being taken to the dump.

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