This document is the City of Turlock Activity Update for the week of June 20 - 26, 2009. The activity update is meant to keep the Turlock City Council and all areas of the government organization on the same page. The community may also view the complete document here at as it was sent out by the City of Turlock.
TO: Mayor and Council
FROM: Executive Team
DATE: June 27, 2009
RE: ACTIVITY UPDATE – WEEK OF June 20-26, 2009
City Manager’s Office:
· City Manager, Roy Wasden, conducted exit interviews with each employee that is scheduled to be laid off as of June 30, 2009 due to the City Budget. He commented that each employee had a unique value to the position they held and under the circumstances were very gracious.
Economic Development/Redevelopment:
· Complete Census Count Committee Chairperson Brad Bates and the Economic Development/Redevelopment Manager attended a regional meeting regarding the 2010 Census.
· A Planning Commission workshop was held on June 18, 2009 to review proposed ordinance amendments for Large Family Day Care facilities. The primary purpose of the ordinance amendment is to codify already existing restrictions implemented through the City’s large family day care permit. State law requires that these requirements be codified in local ordinance in order to allow staff to issue a “nondiscretionary” permit. Several changes in the requirements are also being considered. These changes include establishing a 300 foot radius restriction on where new large family day care facilities could be approved at a staff level. Staff is proposing that facilities located closer than 300 feet to an existing facility be required to obtain approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Also included are several changes in parking, loading and unloading, and yard improvements to ensure compatibility within existing residential neighborhoods. A public hearing is scheduled before the Planning Commission on August 6, 2009 starting at 7 p.m.
· The Deputy Director and Interim Housing Program Services Manager attended training on the HUD HOME program. The 3-day training course is designed to ensure that local agencies comply with federal HUD requirements in the administration of the HOME program. HOME is only one of several federal funding programs that the City receives to address the City’s housing needs.
Recreation Division:
· Pedretti Park was the host field for a 48 team girl’s fast pitch softball tournament over the weekend. Many of the teams traveled to play in the tournament and utilize local hotels and restaurants during their stay. Each night a team stays in Turlock bring a tremendous amount of money into the City. These tournaments develop excellent economic development opportunities.
· Turlock Regional Sports Complex hosted a girl’s soccer tournament for more than 90 teams through US Club soccer. This was the second weekend of the US club tournaments as the boys played at the complex the previous weekend.
· Staff met with the sales manager at the Holiday Inn Express about future opportunities for tournament rentals at the sports complex and Pedretti Park.
· Staff is working on developing a Brochure Advertising Package to send out to various businesses and service clubs in the area. Agencies will have an opportunity to purchase ad space in the Activity Guide that is distributed 3 times a year. This is a great way for businesses to be recognized as a supporter of activities that contribute to an improved quality of life, healthy lifestyles, and positive alternatives for youth.
· All three pools are open for Summer Swim Lessons and Recreation swim. Despite the cool weather to start the week, attendance has been high and the pools have been busy. The new Water Polo League, sponsored by the Arrowhead Club, started this week with 45 youth participating. This program is a great success!
Regulatory Affairs Division
· No new items to report.
Utility Maintenance Division
· No new items to report.
Water Quality Control Division:
· No new items to report.
Public Facilities Maintenance Division:
· No new items to report.
Operations Division:
· We responded to a total of 99 emergency calls for the past week.
ü EMS 75
ü MVA 3
ü Public Assist 4
ü Fire Calls 3
ü Alarm Systems 3
ü Canceled 6
ü No Contact 3
ü Check out 6
· We worked on employee evaluations this past week, developing the July shift schedule, and working on the July 4th Incident Action Plan. (IAP)
Training Division:
· Firefighting crews were introduced to the Turlock City Police Department Chaplain who will also be available to them as an additional resource. Additionally, the firefighters received training on a “Safe Surrender” baby program and drilled at the Engine Company level on various skills and quick drills.
· Probationary Firefighters, Engineers and Captains continue to work on “Task Book” and monthly homework assignments.
Administration Division:
· Public Education: Buckle Up Stanislaus – Car Seat Event: The event held at fire station 1 on June 19th was a great success. Members of Turlock Fire, Turlock P.D. and Modesto P.D. provided car seat inspections for 25 children. 75% of the car seats inspected were found to be incorrectly installed. Parents received hands on instruction on how to properly install their child’s car seat and the children were able to leave the event safer than when they arrived. Another multi-agency event is slated for Saturday, August 22nd and will be held at the Turlock Police facility. These programs are in conjunction with the Buckle up Stanislaus program and funds are made available by a grant from the Office of Traffic Safety.
Service Demands:
Calls for Service 2235
Criminal Investigations 264
Arrests 80
Staffing Levels:
Sworn Personnel- 86
Deployed 82 (6 Officers: Field Training)
Vacancies 5
Non-Sworn Personnel 46
Deployed 44
Vacancies 2
Field Operations Division:
Significant Events and Trends
· Traffic Safety Unit: A traffic employee arranged a car seat check up at fire station #1 last week in Turlock. Twenty-five seats were inspected throughout the day with 75% of those seats arriving incorrectly installed. Five new car seats were given out.
· A traffic employee also participated in a car seat check up in Patterson this week. Eighteen seats were inspected throughout the day with 93% of the seats arriving incorrectly installed. Six new seats were given out.
Street Crimes Team (CAGE)
· While conducting surveillance for a wanted felon, the CAGE supervisor watched a large duffle bag being moved from one apartment to another and then picked up by a male and driven away. A car stop was made based upon probable cause and the driver was found to be on probation with search provisions. The duffle bag contained a Sig Sauer firearm container and loaded magazine. A Sig was stolen in an auto burglary the night before and the serial # on the box was a match. Information was developed as to the suspect in the burglary.
Crime Prevention
· A Crime Prevention employee conducted a business watch meeting in the 200 block of S. Thor, providing information on business safety practices. The businesses were encouraged to engage a Business Watch Group.
Special Operations Division:
· The investigations unit worked closely with representatives from law enforcement agencies in Fresno County this week on a case involving the beating and robbery of a 60 year old female at a youth center last week in Turlock.
· The Fresno County Probation department acted on tips from family members and the public as to the whereabouts of both teen aged boys, suspected of being responsible for these crimes. They were arrested and transported to Turlock for interviews and later turned over to the Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall for several felony charges. Our investigators are working with the District Attorneys office to determine if both suspects will be tried as adults.