If you’re planning to travel this Thanksgiving, make sure to buckle up. The California Highway Patrol is teaming up with agencies across the nation to buckle down on traffic enforcement.
This Thanksgiving weekend will see the start of two separate traffic safety challenges, both of which have set a goal of zero fatalities for the five-day period.
“A majority of collisions and roadway deaths are preventable if motorists follow basic traffic safety rules,” said CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow. “Enjoy the holidays but remember: always wear a seat belt, drive at a speed safe for roadway conditions, eliminate distractions while driving, and always designate a sober driver.”
The first campaign, the “Interstate 5 Challenge,” begins today and is a joint endeavor between the CHP, the Oregon State Police and the Washington State Patrol. The “Arrive Alive on I-5” campaign will focus on seat belt usage, driving under the influence, speed and aggressive driving.
Interstate 5 can be incredibly dangerous, with data from last years’ Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System showing that at least 92 people were killed in collisions along the highway.
The second campaign, the “I-40 Challenge,” begins Nov. 29. This two-day campaign includes law enforcement agencies that serve Interstate 40 from California to North Carolina. I-40 averages more than 200 collisions annually, and SWITRS data from 2012 reports that there were 10 fatalities on that particular stretch of highway.
Both challenges will conclude on Dec. 1. All law enforcement agencies involved in the two challenges are working hard to ensure that motorists are safe during the Thanksgiving holiday.