Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Babysitting Classes Taking Place in June

With the summer bringing in many events and activities into Turlock, parents will likely be looking for babysitters as they head to favorite stops in Turlock like the Stanislaus County Fair in July! For adolescents looking to get their first job, the City of Turlock still has space available for a babysitting class that can help get you on your way to a first job.

Babysitting requires caring, compassionate, and responsible individuals that also enjoy having fun, sharing laughs, and being around children, and this summer there is an opportunity for adolescents between the ages of 11 and 16 to come out and participate in a babysitting class.

This class will consist of teaching the students the responsibilities and duties that are involved in caring for children at young ages. These students will be taught information regarding accident prevention, child care skills, and how to care for children among different ages. It is asked to have your child bring a notebook and a pencil to the class.

Adolescence between the ages of 11 years old and 15 years old are able to register and participate in the class which will be supervised by Mark Crivelli. The fee for residents and nonresidents is $28.00.

There are 3 openings for this class, and 17 people who are currently enrolled. The last day to register for this class online is June 9.

The one day babysitting class will be located at 275 North Orange Street on Saturday, June 11 from 9 AM to 12 PM  .

To sign your child up for this babysitting class, first create a City of Turlock Web Account at cityofturlock.org, and add the class to your cart to register.


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