Our facebook has about 5,000 friends that we use as a trafficker, informal updates, and as an advertising/promotional tool for other local facebook pages, in addition to our Twitter with 800 direct market followers. Turlock City News.com also uses Google advertising to get traffic to Turlock City News.com while also supporting local events for local exposure. The Turlock City News.com Twitter account has 1,000 followers and is often retweeted due to the relevant Turlock community content. The Turlock City News.com Twitter is used for informal updates, and as an advertising/promotional tool for businesses and events.
Murder Suspect Arrested Within Hours of Crime Riding Bicycle
At about 12:54pm Tuesday, Turlock Police, Turlock Fire, and American Medical Response responded to an aggravated assault that had just occurred at the Turlock Chamber of Commerce in the 100 block of S. Golden State Boulevard.