California State University Stanislaus’ Great Valley Writing Project has received a $20,000 grant to to improve writing in local schools.
The two-year grant was supplied by The National Writing Project’s SEED Teacher Leadership Development Grant program and is contingent on continued funding from the U.S. Department of Education.
The grant will benefit two GVWP programs: The Invitational Summer Institute, a four week intensive study of writing, reading, research and leadership for 16 teachers selected through an application and interview process, and the Professional Learning and Leadership Academy for GVWP teacher consultants, which focuses on building leadership capacity to meet the needs of teachers addressing Common Core State Standards.
“Teacher leaders are at the heart of the Great Valley Writing Project,” said Stephanie Paterson, a CSU Stanislaus English professor and co-director of GVWP. “Our focus is to support classroom teachers in their development as leaders in the teaching of writing. Developing leadership capacities has been critical to the success of the work we do.”
In recent years, many colleges throughout California have made note of incoming students’ inability to utilize writing skills. Students should have learned those skills during their K-12 education.
One of CSU Stanislaus President Joseph F. Sheley’s goals is to improve writing amongst college and K-12 students.
“Good writing requires and enhances the ability to think critically, to research, to formulate arguments, to persuade, and to empathize with one’s audience, whether that audience is an employer, a customer, a constituent, a professor or a student,” Sheley said. “Writing is a skill that can benefit nearly anyone in nearly any circumstance, professionally and personally. And it is a lifelong practice.”