The Turlock Unified School District Board of Trustees will hold a public meeting 6:30 p.m. March 4 at the Professional Development Center, 1100 Cahill Ave.
Prior to the public meeting, the board will meet in closed session with labor negotiators from the Turlock Teachers Association, the California School Employees Association and several other bargaining units.
In open session the meeting will start with an inspiration and flag salute from Medeiros Elementary School students David Roy and Maya Sanchez.
The consent calendar includes several items of note, including a $3,300 donation from the Modesto Area Chapter Model A Club to the Turlock High School Future Farmers of America. The board will also accept a $1,000 donation from the Northern California Tennis Association, to purchase two tennis equipment packages for elementary schools participating in U.S. Tennis Association afterschool programs.
Also of note from the consent calendar is the adoption of a resolution to release temporary certificated employees. The agenda does not include a number of temporary employees or a fiscal impact at this time.
At 7:20 p.m. the board will hear information and vote to certify the 2014-2015 second interim report, which is required by state education code. This report mandates TUSD meet its financial obligations for this school year and the next two school years. The board will also hear information on review of budgetary assumptions regarding the Governor’s state budget proposal.