The Turlock City Council will consider applying for a federal grant which would increase the number of firefighters on duty in Turlock.
The Staffing of Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant, awarded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, would bring $589,685 to the City of Turlock. The money would pay the salary and benefits of three new firefighters for two years.
Turlock must maintain its current staffing levels throughout the SAFER grant to be eligible for the funding. The city would not be obligated to hire the firefighters after the two grant-funded years.
In 2005, prior to the economic collapse, the Turlock City Council committed to employing 48 line personnel in the fire department. The city currently has 45 firefighters, using extensive overtime to maintain needed staffing levels.
Roughly 2,500 fire departments are expected to apply for the grant, with 300 grants to be awarded. Winners of the $321 million available will be selected starting Nov. 1. Turlock previously received a SAFER grant in 2010.
On Tuesday, the Turlock City Council is also expected to:
• Appoint a councilmember and an alternate councilmember to the Mayor's Economic Development Task Force.
• Hear a staff update on capital projects and building activity.
• Continue with the process to abandon a section of Dianna Drive, near Fulkerth Road. The abandonment will allow Turlock to realign Dianne Drive to meet Auto Mall Drive at Fulkerth Road, and will make room for a future expansion of the Highway 99/Fulkerth Road interchange.
The Turlock City Council will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Yosemite Room of Turlock City Hall, 156 S. Broadway.