A Special Joint Meeting of the Turlock City Council and Planning Commission scheduled for Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 6:00 PM at the Turlock Senior Center. This is the second joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission on the General Plan Update.
Special Meeting Agenda
Joint Meeting of Turlock City Council and Planning Commission
APRIL 23, 2009
6:00 p.m.
Turlock Senior Center
1191 Cahill Avenue, Turlock, California
A. City Council
B. Planning Commission
A. Vision Statement and Guiding Principles for the General Plan Update: The current
General Plan contains several General Plan Themes that establish the foundation for
General Plan Update and guide the development of the alternatives that will be
evaluated during the planning process. Based on the input received at the Community
Visioning Workshop and the research completed by the consultant, changes in the
General Plan Themes (or Guiding Principles) are proposed. A new Vision Statement is
proposed that represents a summary statement of the updated General Plan Themes.
View Item
Recommended Actions:
Motion: Accepting the Report on Community Visioning Workshop held on March 26,
Resolution: Approving the revised General Plan Themes and the Vision Statement
B. Housing Element Update Needs Assessment and Issues: The City is required to update
its Housing Element, a mandatory element of the General Plan, by August 30, 2009. The
consultant has completed a preliminary needs assessment and constraints analysis. The
consultant will provide an overview of the analysis. Staff is requesting action on the
options that will be explored to address two key issues in updating the Housing Element.
First, Senate Bill 2, enacted in 2007, requires the City to address emergency homeless
shelter needs within the community by designating zoning districts where such uses are
permitted by right or establishing a multi-jurisdictional agreement with up to two
additional jurisdictions to serve this need. Second, the consultant has identified a
shortfall of 325 units of Low and Very Low Income housing that must be provided within
the Housing Element planning period (2007-2014). View Item
Recommended Actions:
Motion: Directing staff to investigate the following options for complying with SB2
Emergency Shelter Requirements: 1) Consider amending the Industrial/Residential
Overlay Zoning District to allow emergency shelters by right; 2) Identify another zoning
district that may be appropriate to allow emergency shelters by right; and 3) Initiate
discussions with other cities and the County to determine whether a multi-jurisdictional
agreement can be made to address the City’s emergency sheltering needs
Motion: Directing staff to investigate the following options to identify land for 325
remaining Very Low and Low Income units: 1) Vacant land within the city limits that can
be upzoned; 2) Annex land designated as High Density Residential (HDR) by the
current General Plan; 3) Identify sites within the City’s Redevelopment Area which have
a 15 percent affordable obligation; 4) Redevelop under-utilized sites within the City limits
at higher densities.
C. Affirming the Urban Development Boundary for the General Plan Update: In order to
begin identifying the alternatives that will be evaluated in the General Plan Update
process, the General Plan Study Area must be identified. This Study Area represents the
urban development envelope within which land use alternatives will be formulated.
Identifying this boundary early in the process helps to narrow the range of alternatives to
a specific geographic area and allows the consultant to begin developing more detailed
alternatives for land use, infrastructure, and services. View Item
Recommended Actions:
Motion: Accepting the “Existing Conditions and Key Issues” Report, including the Land
Demand and Capacity Analysis
Resolution: Approving the Study Area Boundary for the General Plan Update
D. Alternatives Analysis – Setting the Stage (presentation and discussion only): The
consultant will provide an overview of the alternatives analysis process and provide the
opportunity for the City Council and Planning Commission to provide input on the
preliminary alternatives under development. View Item
A. Planning Commission
B. City Council