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Turlock City News

Turlock City Council Agenda for March 24, 2009 at 7:00pm

Turlock City Council Agenda for March 24, 2009 at 7:00pm.

Live video broadcast with chat will be shown here on TurlockCityNews.com.

Turlock City Council Meeting Agenda
March 24, 2009
7:00 p.m.
City of Turlock Yosemite Room
156 S. Broadway, Turlock, California
1.           A. CALL TO ORDER 
            A.          Appointment: CDBG Community Grant Selection Committee 
          Information concerning the consent items listed hereinbelow has been forwarded to each Councilmember prior to this 
          meeting for study. Unless the Mayor, a Councilmember or member of the audience has questions concerning the 
         Consent Calendar, the items are approved at one time by the Council. The action taken by the Council in approving 
         the consent items is set forth in the explanation of the individual items. 
         A.        Motion: Accepting Demands of 02/26/09 in the amount of $1,183,565.90; Demands of 
                   03/05/09 in the amount of 1,203,672.29 
          B.       Motion: Accepting Minutes of 4:00 p.m. Special Meeting of March 6, 2009, Minutes of 
                   5:00 p.m. Special Meeting of March 10, 2009; Minutes of 6:00 p.m. Special Meeting of 
                   March 10, 2009; Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 10, 2009 
          C.       Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 3 in the amount of 
                   ($15,163) (Fund 140) for City Project No. 0681, “CNG Slow Fill Station,” bringing the 
                   contract total to $201,379 
          D.       1. Motion: Authorizing Quantities Contract Change Order No. 1 (Final) for a credit in the 
                   amount of $4,012.51 (Fund 129), with V. Lopez Jr. & Sons of Santa Maria, California, for 
                   City Project No. 0850, “Trench Paving Repair FY 2008/09” 
                   2. Motion: Accepting improvements for City Project No. 0850, “Trench Paving Repair 
                   FY 08/09” and authorizing the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion 
          E.       Motion: Awarding bid and approving an agreement in the amount of $31,510.92 (Fund 
                   190) with Machado & Sons Construction, Inc. of Stevinson, California, for City Project 
                   No. 0900, “Columbia Play Park” 
          F.       Resolution: Authorizing the submittal of an application, acceptance of an allocation of 
                   funds, and execution of a grant agreement with the State of California for funding of Safe 
                   Route to School (SR2S) projects, Eighth Cycle, City Project No. 0919 
          G.       Resolution: Authorizing the submittal of an application, acceptance of an allocation of 
                   funds, and execution of a grant agreement with the California Department of 
                   Transportation, Division of Mass Transportation, in the amount of $1,053,022, from the 
                   “Public Transportation Modernization, Improvement, and Service Enhancement Account” 
                   (PTMISEA) – 2008/09 Regional Apportionment 
          H.       Motion: Approving an agreement for special services with Associated Right of Way 
                   Services, Inc. (ARWS, Inc.) in the amount of $11,600 (Fund 140) for the purpose of 
                   conducting real estate appraisals for the real properties described as Stanislaus County 
                   APN Nos. 042-010-003, 042-010-021, 042-010-022 and 042-010-023, City Project No. 
          I.       Motion: Approving the purchase of three (3) half-ton pickup trucks for Municipal 
                   Services Public Facilities Maintenance Division from Hansel Ford of Santa Rosa in an 
                   amount not to exceed $58,483.19 
         J.        Resolution: Declaring equipment surplus and obsolete to City needs and authorizing the 
                   sales of same at public auction by Roger Ernst and Associates; and authorizing the sale 
                   of Nextel cellular phones to Sprint on a buy-back program or donation to a non-profit 
                   organization; and declaring certain miscellaneous scrap and not to be sold at auction 
                   and declaring other miscellaneous equipment to be sold to any interested parties at fair 
                   market value                                                                                                                                       
          K.       Resolution: Appropriating $37,000 to account number 110/466-01-19 “Off Track Camp 
                   Staffing” to be funded by already budgeted revenue yet to be received in account 
                   number 110/308-76-0 “Off Track Camp Revenue” for increased staffing expenses in the 
                   Off Track Camp program 
          L.       Motion: Approving an agreement between the City of Turlock Police Department and 
                   the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) for the lease and use agreement of a 
                   vehicle assigned to the Turlock Police Department Detective working for the Stanislaus 
                   Auto Theft Task Force 
          M.       Resolution: Authorizing the retirement of Turlock Police Department canine “Jaz” and 
                   selling the retired canine to her handler, Detective Jason Watson, in the amount of one 
                   dollar ($1.00) 
          N.       Resolution: Authorizing the retirement of Turlock Police Department canine “Robbie” 
                   and selling the retired canine to his handler, Corporal Scott Ellis, in the amount of one 
                   dollar ($1.00) 
         O.        Motion: Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Agreement between the City of 
                   Turlock and the California Dairies, Inc., for the purpose of conducting firefighter “Large 
                   Area Search” training 
          P.       Resolution: Approving the 2008 General Plan Implementation Report 
         Q.        Resolution: Approving an amendment to the existing Confidential Schedule of Benefit 
                   Plans and Policies, Resolution No. 2007-229, dated 09/11/07 
          R.       Resolution: Approving an amendment to the existing Management Schedule of Benefit 
                   Plans and Policies, Resolution No. 2007-230, dated 09/11/07 
         S.        Resolution: Approving an amendment to the existing Memorandum of Understanding 
                   between the City of Turlock and the Turlock Firefighters Local #2434, dated March 1, 
                   2007 – June 30, 2009 
         T.        Resolution: Approving an amendment to the existing Memorandum of Understanding 
                   between the City of Turlock and the Turlock City Employees Association dated March 1, 
                   2007 - June 30, 2009 
          U.       Resolution: Approving an amendment to the existing Memorandum of Understanding 
                   between the City of Turlock and the Turlock Associated Police Officers dated March 1, 
                   2007 – September 30, 2008 
         V.        Resolution: Reducing appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008/09 in the amount of 
                   $2,459,387 for all funds and reducing General Fund revenue in the amount of 
                   $2,632,000 to address the current economic downturn 
         W.        Motion: Approving a hiring freeze applied City wide, thereby adopting existing staffing 
                   levels for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2008/09 and Fiscal Year 2009/10 and specifically 
                   eliminating funding for one (1) Emergency Services Dispatcher, four (4) Police Officers 
                   and one (1) Firefighter 
         X.        Motion: Appointing Mayor John Lazar and Vice Mayor Ted Howze as a City Council 
                   subcommittee to assist staff in reviewing the Fiscal Year 2009/10 budget 
         A.        Recommended Action: 
                   Ordinance: Amending the Turlock Municipal Code Title 10, Chapter 1 regarding bike 
                   parks as introduced at the March 10, 2009 meeting. 
          A.         Request to amend Turlock Municipal Code Title 2, Chapter 2, Article 2, to establish 
                     limitations on the terms of appointments for Alternate Members of the Planning 
                     Commission and to rescind Resolution No. 2007-032 and adopt the Powers, Duties, and 
                     Procedures for Conducting Turlock Planning Commission Business with amendments to 
                     the Items and Order of the Planning Commission Agenda. (Whitmore) 
                     Recommended Action  
                     Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code Title 2, Chapter 2, Article 2, to establish 
                     limitations on the terms of appointments for Alternate Members of the Planning 
                     Resolution: Rescinding Resolution No. 2007-032 and adopting the Powers, Duties, and 
                     Procedures for Conducting Turlock Planning Commission Business 
          This is the time set aside for citizens to address the City Council on issues within the Council jurisdiction. You will be 
          allowed five (5) minutes for your comments. If you wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda, you may be 
          asked to defer your remarks until the Council addresses the matter. 
          No action or discussion may be undertaken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except that Council 
          may refer the matter to staff or request it be placed on a future agenda. 
 A.         Request to authorize the submittal of applications for financial assistance to the State 
                     Water Resources Control Board for the Harding Drain Bypass Project and the Turlock 
                     Regional Water Quality Control Facility Upgrade and Expansion Project; and the 
                     reimbursement of certain expenditures paid prior to the issuance of obligations or 
                     apprroval of the City’s application for financial assistance for the projects by the State 
                     Water Resources Control Board; and designating the City Manager as the authorized 
                     representative of the City of Turlock through funding designated by the American 
                     Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 signed into law on February 17, 2009 
                     by President Obama. (Cooke) 
                     Recommended Action: 
                     Resolution: Authorizing the submittal of an application for financial assistance to the 
                     State Water Resources Control Board for the Harding Drain Bypass Project and 
                     designating the City Manager as the authorized representative of the City of Turlock 
                     Resolution: Authorizing the reimbursement of certain expenditures for the Harding Drain 
                     Bypass Project paid prior to the issuance of obligations or approval of the City’s 
                     application for financial assistance for the project by the State Water Resources Control 
Resolution: Authorizing the submittal an application for financial assistance to the State 
                     Water Resources Control Board for the Turlock Regional Water Quality Control Facility 
                     Upgrade and Expansion Project and designating the City Manager as the authorized 
                     representative of the City of Turlock 
                     Resolution: Authorizing the reimbursement of certain expenditures for the Turlock 
                     Regional Water Quality Control Facility Upgrade and Expansion Project paid prior to the 
                     issuance of obligations or approval of the City’s application for financial assistance for 
                     the project by the State Water Resources Control Board 
          B.         Request to accept the report of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 
                     (ARRA) and provide direction to staff. (French) 
                     Recommended Action: 
                     Motion: Accepting the report of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 
                     (ARRA) and providing direction to staff 
10.       STAFF UPDATES 
          Conference with Labor Negotiators, Cal. Gov’t Code §54957.6 
                     Agency Negotiators: Phaedra Norton 
                     Employee Organization: Turlock Associated Police Officers 
          Conference with Real Property Negotiators, Cal. Gov’t Code §54956.8 
                     Property: 291 West Olive Avenue, Turlock, APN 061-015-019 
                     Agency Negotiator: Gary Hampton 
                     Negotiating Parties: Robert E. and Carol Johnson 
                     Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment 
13.       ADJOURNMENT 

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