Turlock City News

Turlock City News

City of Turlock Offers Spring Break Camp


With the Turlock Unified School District on spring break until April 8, some working parents are left to the task of finding affordable childcare for the week.

Luckily, the City of Turlock Recreation Department is holding their annual Spring Break Camp from Monday to Friday, starting April 1.

The Spring Break Camp will offer a variety of fun activities for boys and girls from kindergarten to sixth grade in a day-camp atmosphere. Enrichment activities, educational games, arts, crafts and indoor/outdoor activities geared to stimulate group and individual play will all be included during the week-long camp. Students will also be provided with an afternoon snack each day.

The camp will run Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., although campers are not required to stay the entire day. The camp, which is still accepting students, is run by city staff who help with the after school programs across the City of Turlock throughout the school year.

The fee options for the spring break camp are as follows:
Daily: $20
Weekly: $93
Five-Day Punch Card: $100
Annual Enrollment Fee is $12.00 (Good from May 2012-April 2013)
Late Fee Policy: $5.00 per day that a payment is not received.

The Spring Break Camp will be held in Club Room 2 at the War Memorial, located at 247 E. Canal Dr., next to the Turlock Police Department.

For more information, or to signup, contact the City of Turlock Recreation Department at (209) 668-5599.

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