Every year, the Bulldog Booster Club holds a dinner and auction event to help financially assist Turlock High School athletic departments not funded in the school’s budget.
This year's fun-filled 26th Annual Dinner, Dance and Auction Fundraiser will be held April 13 at the Turlock Ballroom.
“The Turlock Bulldog Boosters Club Dinner/Dance and Auction is our largest fundraiser each year,” said Debbie Martin, President of the Turlock High School Sports Booster Club. “With the budget cuts going on in the school district, this is our way to show our continued financial support to all of the athletic programs at Turlock High School.”
Local merchants and community donations have been pivotal to the success of the event by providing sponsorships, silent and live auction items. Every year, the Dinner/Dance and Auction Fundraiser helps make it possible for the Turlock High Bulldog Booster Club to continue financial assistance to the school. All donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated by the Turlock Bulldog Booster Club.
Becoming a ‘Blue and Gold Sponsor’ is $400 and includes a reserved table for eight, a listing in the event program, and a commemorative wine glass for each guest at the table.
Individual tickets to the dinner are $40 each. Event Sponsorship is $100 and includes two tickets to the event, and a listing in the event program.
Items, such as gift certificates, vouchers, memorabilia and other items can also be donated for sale at the event.
Completed sponsor forms, with the payment included, must be turned in by March 22. All checks should be made payable to the Turlock Booster Club.
“We appreciate the donations we receive from the business community, family and friends to make this a successful event each year,” said Martin.
To learn more about the Turlock Bulldog Booster Club or to help sponsor, contact Shannon Egleston at (209) 668-3648.