Marking its first year of operation, the Turlock Gospel Mission (TGM) served 8,500 meals to Turlock homeless with the help of 15 local churches, civic clubs, and private citizens. Expanded services also began last December to provide overnight housing for homeless women and children in addition to the nightly meals.
For now, overnight housing is being provided through local churches with sheltered individuals being moved to a different church each week. TGM plans to purchase and provide permanent shelter in the future as they continue to expand services.
“It’s a challenge moving services from church to church each week,” commented Executive Director Jeff Woods. “But seeing warm meals provided, encouragement, care, and a safe place for homeless women and children to stay the night makes it all worth it.”
In addition to meals and overnight housing, TGM has assisted several guests with moving into programs and more permanent housing.
“Our goal is to help restore people physically, emotionally, spiritually, and socially so they can be fruitful members of society,” remarked TGM Board Member Lori Mast.
TGMs greatest need right now is resources from the community to continue services through the remaining winter months. Due to financial challenges, Winter Relief Services are in jeopardy of being discontinued.
“Staffing, insurance, and other related expenses have increased dramatically,” said Board Member Derik Bakker. “We receive no local, state or federal aid. Gifts from the community are essential in maintaining our work.”
TGM would like to continue its Winter Relief Services to the homeless community and needs your support to do so. To make contributions, please send your donation to TGM, PO Box 1231, Turlock CA 95381. Or, you may contact Executive Director Jeff Woods at 409-4641.