Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Turlock Police take slew of rim and tire theft reports

Since mid-February, the Turlock Police Department has taken 12 reports of rims and tires being stolen off of vehicles overnight, leaving the victims to find their vehicles on bricks and cinder blocks in the morning. The targeted vehicles are newer models of Toyota Corollas, Toyota Camrys, and Honda Accords with stock sport rims and tires. Of the 12 reports, six have occurred in apartment complex parking lots.

The Turlock Police Department wants to make the community aware of this trend and help those with these types of vehicles to know what they can do to help prevent their rims and tires being stolen:

  • Install video surveillance
  • Park in a well-lit area or garage
  • Utilize locking lug-nuts
  • Lock your vehicle and arm its alarm

As always, calls dispatch at 209-668-1200 whenever you observe suspicious activity or a crime in progress so officers can check it out. If you are interested in starting a Neighborhood Watch, contact Crime Prevention Specialist Erika Grace at EGrace@turlock.ca.us.

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