Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Turlock’s Yesteryears by Scott Atherton

Turlock Journal, 27 Nov 1908:



            Yes, thousands of pounds of the proud American bird went out of Turlock during the past week. Sunday was a busy day at the office of Wells-Fargo Express Company, and on that day the genial agent of the company handled over 12,000 pounds of turkeys dressed for the San Francisco market to supply the extraordinary demand. More than this large number of turkeys was sent out on Tuesday and Wednesday, and San Francisco and Oakland people are today indulging in the succulent and delicious bird raised on Turlock farms, fed by Turlock grain, and raised by thousands of Turlock farmers and their wives.

            The stream of farm wagons that began to roll into Turlock last Saturday and kept up until Wednesday was amazingly large. It had to be to carry the large amount of Thanksgiving dinners that went out of here.

            Then, too, the price was attractive. Turkey this year of our Lord came high. As much as 27 centers per pound was paid for our product and those buyers who were on this market say that the Turlock turkey for the Thanksgiving holiday has no superior in the state. The flavor is of the best, they are fed properly, and just at that stage of excellence when the day arrives to make them in the best possible condition.

            Thanksgiving turkeys will bring thousands of dollars into the pockets of the thrifty farmers and their good helpmates, and will go far toward buying Christmas presents for the family and to help make payments on the land. That is one great thing about the country in which we live—every product of the ranch helps pay the household expenses, and taken in the aggregate it means that our farmers have a steady source of income.

            Turkeys are easy to raise when one knows how and no place is better suited to the industry than this district. Some of the growers raise them by the hundred and the revenue from a few hundred turkeys may be readily figured when the price mounts above 25 cents as was the case in many instances this year. The business pays and pays handsomely.

            On Tuesday George Finnin of the Turlock Produce Exchange shipped out over 6,000 pounds by express.

            While many of the turkeys have been shipped there will be many held over until the Christmas holiday. Those who could do so, however, took advantage of the high market and sold during the past few days. They made good money by it and that is the reason so many of the raisers of the prize birds are wearing the smile that won’t come off. Here’s to them and may they raise more next year.  


Turlock Journal, 27 Nov 1918: 


New Cases Develop And City Health Board Talks Over Situation

            Dr. Lester W. Wilson, Health Officer, and other members of the board, John Luyster, George Taber, Ed Wolfe and James Brown, held a meeting at the city office last Friday evening to discuss the influenza situation, and decide as to what could be done to lessen the restrictions. 

            Dr. Wilson said that several new cases had been reported within the last two days, one on First Street, one on Locust Street, one on West Main Street, and two cases by Dr. Julien. A number of other people had been exposed to infection, and it was expected that they would be smitten with the malady in a few days. The weather, which had been damp and muddy, may have had some effect in bringing out these new cases, but that was not provable. The largest number of cases reported in this city at any one time had been between 35 and 40. The situation in the city was not so very serious, but if the public were to omit the precautions heretofore taken the epidemic might assume graver proportions. At the time the patients were confined to about eight families, which included those in the Red Cross hospital set up at the Baptist Church on West Main Street. It was desired to have the restrictions removed at the earliest possible date, but if they were kept in force until no more cases reported it might mean keeping them in force for the next six or eight weeks, as there are sure to be a few cases late in developing after the epidemic is practically ended. 

            The holding of Thanksgiving services in the churches was discussed, and it was decided that the first services to be held should be on that day, those participating in the services to wear their masks as usual, and that the masks should be ordered off on the following Friday, provided the situation did not become more serious. The schools have now been closed for five weeks, and it is important that they should be opened at the earliest possible time. Ed Wolfe favored taking off the masks on Monday, November 25, in order that there might be a time in which to demonstrate whether the epidemic was really past. G. F. Pendergraft, chairman of the Red Cross influenza committee, stated that while it was desirable that the restrictions be removed as soon as possible in order that business and social conditions might be restored to normal, still, the prevalence of the epidemic meant a big expense to the Red Cross, and a vast deal of labor and sacrifice to those who were engaged in combating the disease, and he thought it would be better not to permit any gatherings on Sunday, or take the masks off before Saturday, November 30. Dr. Wilson replied that it was his idea to allow no meetings until Thanksgiving, and to take the masks off in the later part of the week.

            Principal Ratzell of the high school stated that four of his teachers were sick, and Principal Elmore of the grammar schools reported that one of his faculty members was on the sick list.

            George Taber then moved that the public service in the churches be allowed on Thanksgiving Day, the masks to be ordered off on the following Friday and the motion was unanimously carried. Schools will probably be ordered reopened on Monday, December 2, if the situation is sufficiently improved.

            The matter of enforcing the mask order was taken up, and City Marshal Bevans was instructed by the Health Officer, who is working under the authority of the city council, to arrest all persons found without their masks on. Special policemen appointed for the purpose of assisting in the enforcement of the order are D. J. Walton and G. S. Keith.  


Turlock Tribune, 23 Nov 1928


            The recently completed Assyrian Presbyterian Church will be dedicated on Sunday morning, December 16, with special services in commemoration of the event, the pastor the Rev. Elisha David has announced. The dedicatory sermon will be given by the Rev. W. E. Edmonds of Glendale, present moderator of the California Synod of the Presbyterian Church. Assisting him in the service will be pastors from Los Angeles, Turlock, San Francisco, and other cities.

            The church was completed in November of 1927, five months after its beginning, at a cost of $17,000. It is of Spanish type architecture and has a seating capacity of 250 people. It is a two story building. Besides the auditorium, a social hall and kitchen in the basement will accommodate 175. Upstairs there are Sunday school rooms, chapel and pastor’s study.

            The church is the only organized Assyrian Presbyterian Church west of Chicago and serves San Francisco and Turlock colonies of Assyrian people. It was organized on January 13, 1926 by the Presbytery of the San Joaquin with sixty charter members. There are now 150 members in the church of whom 108 are active members, the Rev. David states.

            There is an enrollment of seventy-five in the Sunday school and of twenty-five in the Christian Endeavor. Of the total amount of the church fund, $250 was plewdged by th Sewing society members of which raised the money by the sale of needlework. 


Today’s articles and pictures are provided by Scott Atherton, general manager of Turlock Memorial Park & Funeral Home. If you have memories or pictures you’d like to share, he can be reached at 632-9111 or by e-mail at satherton@turlockmemorialpark.com.

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