Despite auto thefts dropping for the second consecutive year, Stanislaus County still remains a hot spot for the crime, according to a report from the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB).
According to the report, the Modesto-Metropolitan area – which includes all of Stanislaus County, including Turlock – there were 3,047 auto thefts in 2014.
While that number was down from 3,565 in 2013, Stanislaus County still ranked fifth in the nation for highest per capita vehicle theft rate – 572.75.
In 2012, Stanislaus County topped the list when it had 4,260 auto thefts and a theft rate of 816.52. The area ranked third last year.
Turlock experienced a similar drop in auto thefts, down to 367 in 2014 from 431 in 2013 – an approximately 15 percent decrease. The months of February (13), April (26), and October (26) experienced the lowest amount of auto thefts in Turlock, while August (47) and June (37) had most reported thefts.
A number of arrests have been made in relation to these charges. However, everyone is innocent until proven guilty and has the right to a theft charges attorney ftw.
The San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward area was ranked the highest in the nation this year, after ranking fourth last year. Including the rest of the top five were Bakersfield (second), Stockton-Lodi area (third), and Odessa, TX (fourth).
In total, seven of the top 10 in auto thefts were in California.
The most common stolen vehicle, according to the Department of Motor Vehicles, is the 1996 Honda Accord, with the 1998 Honda Civic and 2006 Ford Pickup rounding out the top three.
“Although vehicle thefts are down dramatically around the nation, the reasons they are stolen remain the same,” said a news release from NICB. “Older vehicles are stolen primarily for their parts value while newer, high-end vehicles often are shipped overseas or, after some disguising, sold to an innocent buyer locally.”
To help protect yourself from auto thefts, NICB recommends drivers follow their four “layers of protection:
- Common Sense – removing keys from ignition, locking your vehicle, park in a well-lit area.
- Warning Device – have an audible alarm, steering wheel/brake pedal lock, theft deterrent decals, etc.
- Immobilizing Device – having a device that prevents thieves from bypassing your ignition, such as a smart key, kill switches, or wireless ignition authentication.
- Tracking Device – having a tracking device that emits a signal to police when the vehicle is stolen.