The Stanislaus County Tea Party recently endorsed Turlock City Council Candidates Donald Babadalir and Sergio Alvarado, and Mayoral candidate Gary Soiseth, a practice that they have not had in past elections.
Marie Roberson of the Stanislaus County Tea Party Leadership Team stated that previously, their party has made recommendations, but have not gone forward with formal endorsements. They decided that if they wanted to make a difference on the local level, they needed to put out endorsements.
Roberson noted that because of the groups 501c4 status, they cannot legally endorse candidates for partisan positions, they can only make recommendations. Since the Council race is nonpartisan, they were able to endorse.
Endorsements were made based on the Party’s key values of constitutional limited government, free markets, and fiscal responsibility.
“The endorsement is greatly appreciated and is evidence of the ever-growing support I am getting from all of the diverse segments of the Turlock community, and beyond, in response to my desire to make Turlock better for all of us,” said Babadalir.
When asked what sort of policies he would pursue relating to Tea Party principles, Babadalir noted economic development as a priority. He explained the importance of promoting small, privately owned businesses as well as large businesses that accent Turlock’s culture, like agriculture and food processing.
Babadalir stated that increased economic development will contribute to improving the budget, and therefore, public safety, roads, and solutions to water issues. He described liberty as being a paramount element noting that economic development depends on fiscal responsibility, noninvasive local governments and free markets.
Alvarado described the endorsement as a great honor.
“It underscores my stance as a true conservative advocating the core values of the Tea Party, being Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, and a Free Market. I’m a strong supporter of personal freedom and most importantly, the Constitution,” said Alvarado.
Along with both Turlock City Council Candidates, the Stanislaus County Tea Party also endorsed Gary Soiseth for Mayor of Turlock.
“After a lot of discussion among our group, who attended the meeting, the vote was to endorse both of these men because they uphold all our core principles and they have a clear vision for our city. We also felt they would listen to the people of Turlock and work for a better community,” said Roberson of the Stanislaus County Tea Party.
Editor’s Note: An edit was made to the article to include Gary Soiseth, who was endorsed by the Stanislaus County Tea Party for Mayor of Turlock.